
fiction (139), novels (133), literature (121), twentieth-century literature (117), american literature (72), british literature (41), war fiction (26), nonfiction (25), modernist literature (25), drama (25), twentieth-century drama (21), college reading list (20), nobel prize winners (19), historical fiction (18), nineteenth-century literature (18), high-school reading list (13), pulitzer prize winners (12), tony award winners (11), writing (11), literary nonfiction (11), poetry (10), wwi fiction (10), memoirs (10), reference books (9), american drama (9), short stories (9), twentieth-century poetry (8), wwii fiction (8), british drama (8), grammar (7), canadian literature (7), glbt (7), national book award winners (7), science fiction (7), college reading list--american modernism (7), hugo award winners (6), american poetry (6), war nonfiction (6), college reading list--the american novel 1950-present (6), german literature (5), lost generation (5), southern literature (5), irish literature (4), college reading list--classical mythology (4), french literature (4), metatextual literature (3), magic realist literature (3), vietnam war fiction (3), vietnam war nonfiction (3), pen/faulkner award winners (3), civil war fiction (3), gothic literature (3), booker prize winners (3), autobiographical literature (3), nebula award winners (3), historical drama (3), victorian literature (3), cult fiction (3), satires (3), autobiography (3), dystopian literature (3), fantasy (3), russian literature (3), literary criticism (3), existential literature (2), naturalist literature (2), french drama (2), style manuals (2), college reading list--narrative theory (2), greek tragedy (2), wwi nonfiction (2), seventeenth-century drama (2), modernist poetry (2), black comedy (2), colombian literature (2), twenty-first-century literature (2), history (2), epic poetry (2), greek drama (2), true crime (2), college reading list--us history through literature (1), portuguese literature (1), irish drama (1), romantic literature (1), russian drama (1), high-school reading list--ap spanish literature (1), greek literature (1), animals (1), biblical fiction (1), indian literature (1), german poetry (1), horror (1), epics (1), beat literature (1), humor (1), journalism (1), collected works (1), greek poetry (1), narratology (1), authors (1), british poetry (1), italian poetry (1), biblical poetry (1), fourteenth-century poetry (1), greek epics (1), trojan war fiction (1), anthologies (1), absurdist drama (1), existential drama (1), bc poetry (1), australian literature (1), holocaust poetry (1), philosophy (1), german drama (1), wwii nonfiction (1), foreign-language literature (1), allegories (1), nineteenth-century drama (1), korean war fiction (1), travel writing (1), spanish drama (1), o henry award winners (1), chilean poetry (1), seventeenth-century literature (1), foreign-language drama (1), eighteenth-century literature (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Nov 6, 2005
A propos de ma bibliothèque
In no particular order, I tend to be heavily into: modernist fiction; war fiction and memoirs; twentieth-century (especially post-WWII) European, American, and Spanish-language poetry; twentieth-century drama; literary criticism; grammar and style guides; and marine biology (read: I am a shark nut).

My library grows at a dizzying rate; I'm more or less incapable of passing over books for sale. I've already hit the catalogue limit for free users, but If I end up buying a paid account here, I will never be able to keep abreast of my acquisitions anyway.
A propos de moi
Twenty-year-old English major at a small liberal-arts college.
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