A propos de ma bibliothèque
My collection is currently maintained in two separate states, so I'm trying to keep track of what I have!

As a kid I was allowed to buy books if they had "educational value," the definition of which was... wonderfully loose. Later, a fair chunk of my collection was made up of books from various courses I took, on everything from Great War literature to Medieval Latin and back again. I also began collecting books connected to my alma mater, Bryn Mawr College, while I was still in undergrad.

Now I primarily acquire books for professional reasons, assembling my personal toolbox for the academic life. Happily, since I study book history, I find I "need" to acquire not only good scholarly editions, but early editions as well. I am currently particularly fascinated with the very-little-known contemporary of Jane Austen, Mary Brunton.
A propos de moi
Very Junior Scholar of eighteenth-century literature by trade, decidedly amateur enthusiast of book arts.
En cours de lecture
Auteurs favoris
Favoris locaux

Librairies: Blackwell's Oxford

Bibliothèques: Bodleian Library

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