
fiction (41), history (26), poetry (22), historical fiction (14), historical novel (13), poetry in translation (13), ancient civilisations (10), cities (antiquity) (10), Middle Ages (9), dual-language (8), Ancient Near/Middle East (8), Roman Empire (8), poetry (German) (7), Ancient Rome (7), biography (7), ancient Rome (7), literary criticism (7), Judaism (7), novels (7), Jesus (6), Roman Britain (6), codices (5), fall of Rome (5), short stories (5), children's (5), epics (verse) (5), poets (4), Sumer (4), Barbarians (Rome) (4), alphabets (4), biography (poets) (4), poetry (Spanish) (4), love poetry (4), Sumerians (4), religion (antiquity) (4), gospels (4), New Testament (4), women (Middle Ages) (4), Late Antiquity (4), Mary Magdalene (4), Ancient Greece (4), theology (4), social class (4), codex (4), Scriptures (4), fantasy (4), social history (4), Epochenforschung (3), Komponentenanalyse (3), epochs (historical) (3), structures (literary) (3), epochs (literary) (3), thrillers (3), Paradigmenwechsel (3), perspective (narrative) (3), Etruscans (3), Egyptians (3), teach yourself (3), Hebrew (3), local history (London) (3), Britain (history) (3), social class (Middle Ages) (3), Arabs (Middle Ages) (3), Bible (3), Yiddish (3), Roman Republic (3), virtual worlds (3), humour (3), codex fiction (3), teenage (3), antiquity (3), women (church) (3), Jews (Ashkenazi) (3), scripts (3), Ancient Egypt (3), Mary (mother of Jesus) (3), book history (3), Greek literature (3), scrolls (3), Mesopotamia (3), Jews (antiquity) (3), gladiators (3), hieroglyphs (3), Jews (Eastern Europe) (3), Near/Middle East (3), paradigm shift (3), Roman script (2), Akkadians (2), Chinese script (2), Akkadian script (2), Roman army (2), cuneiform script (2), Voelkerwanderung (2), Tacitus (2), Aborigines (Australia) (2), Greek script (2), Horace (2), France (history) (2), Judas (2), Catullus (2), Phoenicians (2), local history (Fulda) (2), Fulda (2), mythology (2), ancient history (2), Crusades (2), Argentina (2), monarchs (2), Dark Ages (2), Early Middle Ages (2), Ur (2), Ovid (2), grammar (2), linguistics (2), London (history) (2), (maps) (2), cities (Middle Ages) (2), Villon Francois (2), poetry (Latin) (2), Virgil (2), art (Roman) (2), poetry (French) (2), chariot races (Rome) (2), Vandals (2), printing press (2), Byzantium (2), China (2), Latin literature (2), Greece (2), Odysseus (2), www (2), Troy (2), Ulysses (2), computer games (2), fantasy (future) (2), food (2), Islam (2), Puritans (America) (2), internet (2), Akkad (2), cookery (2), architecture (modern) (2), Roman Africa (2), world language (2), Chinese characters (2), shtetl (2), Cicero (2), poetry (English) (2), papyrus (2), eagle (legions) (2), drama (2), manuscripts (2), adolescence (2), satire (2), Roman soldiers (2), homosexuality (women) (2), Indians (America) (2), archaeology (2), architecture (2), disciples (Jesus) (2), social networking (1), cicero (1), gospel (1), Poland (1), Slavs (1), Jews (1), Gilgamesh (1), Martial (1), illuminated manuscripts (1), journalism (1), Apuleius (1), Welsh (1), philosophy of history (1), Dryden (1), Goths (1), Essenes (1), Boudica (1), Trojans (1), Canaan (1), John the Baptist (1), Holy Land (1), immortality (1), Modern Hebrew (1), Sicily (history) (1), Frederick II of Suebia (1), computer addiction (1), classical antiquity (1), philosophy (Middle Ages) (1), Astrolabius (1), theatre (antiquity) (1), Jerusalem (1), Druids (1), monotheism (1), novel (1), paper (1), Second Life (1), Enkidu (1), social tagging (1), Grail (1), Holy Grail (1), Peter (1), Septuagint (1), Bethlehem (1), Capernaum (1), media (1), reading (1), Joseph (father of Jesus) (1), Pilate (1), Sepphoris (1), Israel (antiquity) (1), Peter (St) (1), Palestine (antiquity) (1), Caesarea Maritima (1), Rabanus Maurus (1), virtual identity (1), second life games (1), Turks (1), Mary of Bethany (1), Martha of Bethany (1), Germany (history) (1), Zacharias (1), Caesarea Philippi (1), parchment (1), James (brother of Jesus) (1), fathers (search for) (1), Indian scripts (1), quills (1), Mycaeneans (1), Aramaic script (1), Arabic script (1), North Germany (1), Jews (China) (1), Barlach Ernst (1), Jews (Nazis) (1), Boudicca (1), Boadicea (1), Chasidism (1), women (China) (1), history (China) (1), Canaanites (1), Aramaic (1), coins (1), temptation (Jesus) (1), evangelists (1), language extinction (1), Qumran (1), Warsaw (1), Khazars (1), Heloise (1), Josephus (1), crucifixion (Jesus) (1), Pliny (1), apostles (Jesus) (1), Franks (1), Nazareth (1), eclipse (solar) (1), volcanic eruptions (1), Avars (1), Plague (Dark Ages) (1), Pliny the Elder (1), church history (1), Jews (England) (1), astronomy (antiquity) (1), tragedy (ancient) (1), philosophy (antiquity) (1), human sacrifices (1), medicine (antiquity) (1), engineering (antiquity) (1), mechanics (antiquity) (1), navigation (antiquity) (1), inventions (antiquity) (1), poetry (Greek) (1), technology (antiquity) (1), Hoelderlin (1), theology (christian) (1), Paul (St) (1), archaelogy (1), wikis (1), blogs (1), plague (antiquity) (1), anthology (literary) (1), Herod (1), Caesar (1), John the Evangelist (1), Britain (Roman) (1), speeches (1), Varus (1), Ivrit (1), England (history) (1), Donne John (1), Holy Roman Empire (1), Persians (antiquity) (1), Lazarus (1), Utnapishtim (1), Simeon (1), Great Flood (1), Abaelard (1), Diotima (1), Perikles (1), ugc (1)
Nuage des mots-clés, Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
Jan 3, 2007
Nom réel
Christina Egan
A propos de ma bibliothèque
Wider subject interests:
Literature, art history, history, theology, languages.

Special subject interests:
Ancient history, European history, local history (fiction and non-fiction); Christianity, Judaism; China

Interests not represented in my library:
Chi Gong/Tai Chi, cookery, gardening

Favourite novelists:
Luise Rinser, Isaac B. Singer, Ayn Rand

Favourite playwrights:
Ben Johnson, Lope de Vega, Henrik Ibsen

Favourite poets:
John Donne, Horace, Hoelderlin
A propos de moi
51% life, 49% art...
Poet and playwright.
Lieu (géographique)
Tottenham, London, United Kingdom