Nom réel
A propos de moi

The Lycian Sanctuary

This is my spiritual background:

1. I was raised Roman Catholic and remained so until I was twelve, which is when I began looking for something else.

2. I become a Atheistic Existentialist and remained so until I was twenty.

3. I became a Pantheistic Pagan as a result of some deep questioning and because my previous worldview was causing me to become suicidal.

4. I became a Freemason and achieved the 32nd degree when I was twenty-seven.

5. I joined a ceremonial magick circle the same year, which I remained a member of, until I was thirty-six.

6. I became Wiccan, as a result of my researches into Freemasonry, at the age of twenty-eight.

7. I was initiated into the Lycian Tradition of Wicca when I was thirty.

8. I was ordained, in this same tradition, and began my first coven when I was thirty-four. This coven remained together for eleven years.

9. I took a break from coven work for two years and have now started a second coven.

My one article of faith is this:

"I believe Nature is divine and its laws are consistent and ultimately knowable."

Lieu (géographique)
San Antonio, Texas USA
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