
A propos de ma bibliothèque
Too many books. Or that is what most people would say. Most of my collection is devoted to women artists and authors. I tend to buy books I can't get at area libraries and books I want to be able to reference. So though I read a lot of fiction, my private library holds more nonfiction. Recently I started buying books that can never be reproduced on a Kindle or Nook, books that combine art and literature seamlessly, books you must hold in your hands to truly appreciate. Yesterday I found a copy of The Interpretation of Dreams: The Illustrated Edition edited by Jeffrey Masson for $6.00. Scandalous I know (I think it listed at $45 when it came out a couple years ago.), but this amazingly beautiful book will be off the bookshelves three months from now and sold at friends of library book sales (the kind where you buy books by the inch) a year from now. If you are not familiar with the book, it is Freud's major work with art added. You feel like you have entered a dream world when you turn the pages. Someday people will be eating vitamins and supplements instead of food. I consider myself privileged to live when we can still own real books.
A propos de moi
I have been a high school English teacher and an artist professionally. I also enjoy writing, this past year mostly poetry, but have tried my hand at memoir, fiction, and children's stories. I 've always been an avid reader and dare not think how much I have spent on books over my lifetime. I know I helped start at least one bookstore when I sold off about 100 boxes of books before a long distance move. This past year I decided to keep a notebook of my reading and discovered mid November I had read 80, so I decided to make it an even 100 by the end of the year, which I did, a ridiculous and trite goal.

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