Nom réel
Barbara Lechtanski
A propos de ma bibliothèque
I have a lot of different interests and titles. Like I said before, I'm always looking for a new series. I like to get attached to all the characters in a good series. I like historical fiction, vampire, murder mysteries, compilations of humorous essays, etc... The more I read, the more I want to read. There's nothing better than a good book and there's nothing quite as heartbreaking as finishing it...
A propos de moi
A reader with a voracious appetite for interesting books of any background. I'm always looking for a great series to get into. I have a particular interest in vampires, but I can't stand the trashy "romance" novel type of vampire story. I also love music and Duncan Sheik, Andrea Bocelli and anything classical are always excellent accompaniments to reading. You also get the benefit of evoking that emotion that a good book gives you when you hear a certain song. You benefit twofold.
Lieu (géographique)
Bellingham, WA
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