
Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
Jul 1, 2011
Nom réel
billie coleman
A propos de ma bibliothèque
my library consists of books that i own I recently went to a thrift store and they let me get books in bulk there i got 60 for a dollar and walked out of there with over 400 books i believe most i have read but there are quite a few that i haven't I got so many because i would like to start a book trading club where i live or even a book club but i live in a very small town and i'm not to sure how to get this started if anyone has any ideas let me know I will add more books probably next week after i pay for the service lol used that 200 books up quick and still have like 6 totes full of books and i'm thinking about getting more from the thrift store I also donate books to the local hospitals nursing homes va hospitals jails and prisons i donate the ones i have multiple copies of thank you so much for reading this
A propos de moi
i am 33 year old mother with 4 kids 2 boys and 2 girls and a wonderful husband I am a stay at home mom who loves to read and will read just about anything i love to go garage selling and going to thrift stores and estate sales to get books and i get them cheaper especially at thrift stores they have so many books at all times that they dont mind making a deal if you are buying in bulk and buying in bulk is the best way to go lol if u see anything u would like to trade for or buy let me know we can work something out ok
Lieu (géographique)
United States
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