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Inscrit depuis
May 25, 2009
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A propos de ma bibliothèque
Cataloguing all my books turned up books I'd bought and forgotten to read, and books I'd read but forgotten about; so I needed to organise them (really, I should stop buying books and buy another bookcase - a big one).
So I had a go at organising them.
Now I can't remember where any damn thing is!

Book-buying seems to be addictive, too. I regularly say I'm not buying any more till I've cleared my 'To be read' pile, but I can't seem to help myself, somehow. And the worst of it is that there always seems to be a good reason for buying something.

Here's how I'm starring books:

Five stars - If anything happened to my copy I'd buy another one straight away.
Four stars - Good book.
Three stars - Middling sort of book; not one thing or the other.
Two stars - Poor book.
One star - Abysmal*.
Half-star - How did this idiot (or psycho, or shameless liar, etc.) get into print? Put it outside and throw stones at it.*
Half-stars in between are for when I'm being indecisive - this happens a lot.
*I don't really expect to ever read** anything in these two categories.
**If there was anything incorrect about splitting infinitives Captain Kirk would have spent his life stuck on Earth.

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A propos de moi
Male, retired, getting increasingly frustrated that the list of books he'd like to read is increasing at a rate faster than he's able to read them.

It doesn't help that there's lots to read (and write) on LibraryThing - it's addictive and if I'm not careful it steals much too much time from my book-reading. Now that's a paradox.

"Imagine what you'll know tomorrow" - 'K', Men in Black

For those digging around in very old threads: I used to be 'rankamateur', but I changed.
Lieu (géographique)
Staffordshire/Derbyshire, UK
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