
Nom réel
Niko Zinovii
A propos de ma bibliothèque

Note: Although I read mostly non-fiction, I have not listed my non-fiction library, as such an undertaking would be very labor intensive and ultimately incomplete. I have, however, listed the fiction that I have read. (Excluding the numerous fiction books that I started reading but did not complete.) So, fellow LibraryThing members, please consider my library here to be my Fiction Library.

I should add, that I have very little time to read fiction today, and when I do so it is rare. Please consider this fiction library predominantly past reads, and realize that this library does not reflect the actual chronology of my reading of the various works.(As I listed many of the works in this fiction library over a short period of time, in no particular order, when I joined LibraryThing.)

When I do read fiction: I tend to first look for science fiction, as I especially enjoy scientifically literate works of imaginative speculative fiction. On occasion, I sometimes do enjoy specific works of fantasy, as I do enjoy the imaginative and the fantastic, depending on the subject matter and on how it is presented. I also, on occasion, enjoy quality philosophical, political, and historical pieces.

* I could not find guidelines for rating books on Librarythings, so here is how I rated the fiction in my library, according to a mixture of objective standards and my personal subjective preferences:

5 stars - special, exceptional
4 stars - excellent
3 stars - quite good
2 starts - enjoyable or interesting in some way or both
1 star - fair

Please view my ratings as an expression of my personal subjective appreciation of the individual works in my library, and not as an attempt to place a universal objective ranking on these books or their authors. Reading fiction is primarily for enjoyment, and as such it is a personal and experience, based on personal preferences.
A propos de moi

Publisher, novelist, screenwriter, physical culturist.
An artist at heart, a writer.
Interests: Science, truth, thinking, learning, political & philosophical ideology.

"I'm striving to enhance my body and mind, my soul, aiming to achieve a greater, more comprehensive version of myself, in adherence to my life oath, while seeking knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment."—Niko Zinovii

Bio: Niko Zinovii hails from Connecticut, where he spent time training as a natural bodybuilder and strongman while he studied human evolution, genetics, and archaeology, obtaining his bachelor degree in Anthropology, in the process obtaining what he describes as a unique and insightful worldview. Later in life, in California, after writing a number of screenplays on spec, Niko earned his MA in Economics to expand his understanding of man and politics. Although Niko professes that his great interest lies in science, his passion in political and philosophical ideology, he finds himself, at times, an artist at heart, a writer, finding fulfillment in the realm of creativity. Thus on most weekends Niko writes and indulges in poetry and art. Niko also continues to actively practice physical culture, combined with meditation, passionately pursuing physical, mental, and spiritual betterment.

​In addition to his written creative works, Niko had contributed the original illustrative artwork for the Upside Down Animals children's picture book series, published by Painting Daydreams.


Lieu (géographique)
Santa Monica, California
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