
FICTION (107), Christian Living (64), Biography (57), faith (48), romance (47), INSPIRATION (39), Prophecy (38), Women (35), thriller (27), DEVOTIONS (26), assorted authors (26), Graham (25), humor (21), Family (21), Jenkins (20), Apocalypse (19), End Times (19), LaHaye (19), PRAYER (19), Rapture (18), Politics (18), ministry (17), Inspiration (17), Missionary Biography (15), Left Behind (15), Missions (15), Encouragement (15), GRIEF (14), TRAUMA (14), Hobbies (14), Parenting (14), Interests (14), Popular Non Fiction (13), Amish (12), love (12), Hollywood (11), Sermon aids (11), Historical fiction (10), Henderson (9), Marriage (9), Moore (9), hope (8), Humor (8), Church Leadership (8), Jesus (8), Men (8), cooking (8), salvation (7), Lucado (7), Johnson (7), Brunstetter (7), family (6), Southern Living (6), Secularism (6), Karon (6), suspense (6), Christmas (6), Jeremiah (6), Father Tim (6), Armageddon (6), Elliot (6), Mitford (6), sports (6), Hagee (6), Life Group Resources (6), mystery (5), Devotions (5), purpose (5), Counseling (5), spirit (5), Colson (5), Blackstock (5), Rogers (5), scripture (5), Lewis (5), Miller (5), Lindsey (4), Grace (4), Middle East (4), History (4), evangelism (4), Providence (4), Fatherhood (4), Motherhood (4), Forgiveness (4), Meyer (4), Stress (4), grief (4), Thomas (4), Comfort (4), Newpointe 911 Series (4), Senior Adults (3), Wright (3), ten Boom (3), redemption (3), Wilkinson (3), India (3), marriage (3), Piper (3), Stanley (3), Armstrong (3), Wick (3), Spurgeon (3), Fuller (3), Uncommon Heroes Series (3), Abram's Daughters Series (3), handicap (3), Brides of Webster County Series (3), US (3), music (3), Sommerfield Trilogy (3), Rice (3), Sawyer (3), The Church (3), Ecuador (3), Peace (3), Maxwell (3), Mennonite (3), Israel (3), Morgan (3), Macomber (3), disabled (3), Powell (3), Faith (3), suffering (3), Youth (2), Hunt (2), BIography (2), death (2), Ham (2), Eleanor Roosevelt Mystery (2), Revelation (2), Loneliness (2), Chambers (2), Van Impe (2), Love Finds You Series (2), Hanna (2), Rivers (2), Joy (2), Sisterchicks Series (2), Administration (2), Poetry (2), Success (2), Angels (2), Wurmbrand (2), Hayford (2), First Lady (2), reconcilitation (2), Positivity (2), Arthur (2), Mentoring (2), Great Depression (2), Eareckson (2), Burkett (2), Wilkerson (2), Wells (2), adventure (2), missions (2), President (2), assorted (2), The O'Malley Series (2), crucifixion (2), Bennett (2), premarital (2), MacArthur (2), Marshall (2), Walsh (2), Roosevelt (2), Peretti (2), promises (2), gardening (2), dysfunctional families (2), business (2), Deacon (2), Sin (2), Martin (2), China (2), missionary (2), growth (2), Girls (2), courage (2), inspiration (2), prophecy (2), war (2), women (2), supernatural (2), friendship (2), Gunn (2), encouragement (2), power (2), soul (2), Jeffrey (2), happiness (2), forgiveness (2), Manning (2), Lynn (2), Swindoll (2), resurrection (2), Carter (2), Washington (2), Sledge (2), Azusa (1), trials (1), Ankerberg (1), Cedar Cover Series (1), Welch (1), fantasy (1), chaos (1), bereaved (1), despair (1), Christmas Hope Series (1), Angel Series (1), Church Admin (1), King Raven Trilogy (1), Speare (1), Cameron (1), John the Apostle (1), community (1), Albom (1), medieval (1), Pincus (1), Biblical fiction (1), VanLiere (1), Sessoms (1), The O'Malley Chronicles (1), The Storyteller's Collection (1), Keys of Promise Series (1), Jesus Chronicles Series (1), Abram's Daughers Series (1), Beneath a Southern Sky Series (1), Skelsey (1), Kosmatine (1), Life Support Series (1), Toback (1), Romancing America Series (1), Rose Harbor Series (1), The End Series (1), Mail Order Bride Series (1), hockey (1), Prayer Needs (1), inter-marriage (1), John (1), spirituality (1), Courtship of Nellie Fisher Series (1), Rocky Mountain Memories (1), Sandford (1), sexual abuse (1), Yellow Rose Trilogy (1), parenting (1), Lutzer (1), Lawhead (1), Puritans (1), bowling (1), Great Awakening (1), Paul the Apostle (1), Dobson (1), Dyer (1), Hessayon (1), Mark of the Lion Series (1), Christianity (1), Gallagher (1), fabric crafts (1), Seasons Series (1), Buckingham (1), Linsley (1), Lacy (1), Dozier (1), Thorpe (1), Spirituality (1), Sports Illustrated (1), Focus on the Family (1), Chirico (1), Mooney (1), revival (1), Carroll (1), Anderson (1), guilt (1), Fitzpatrick (1), rebirth (1), Hauser (1), Taste of Home (1), witnessing (1), quilting (1), Hunter (1), Worldview (1), secularism (1), Williams (1), Worship (1), Job (1), Allen (1), sermons (1), organization (1), crafting (1), health and nutrition (1), Webster (1), Raney (1), Benson (1), Kennedy (1), Calvary (1), charismactic (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Oct 11, 2018
Nom réel
Poplar Springs Baptist Church
A propos de ma bibliothèque
This is the catalog of the library of Poplar Springs Baptist Church, located in Gainesville, GA. Members are welcome to browse, read reviews, come in and check out a book. We hope that you will take one further step or two and leave a review of the books, as you check them out, and share this library with family and friends! Our church family invites you to visit us....and our library!
A propos de moi
Hi, my name is Chee Chee and I am the librarian for Poplar Springs Baptist Church in Gainesville, Georgia. I am enjoying this revival of our library, perusing the books, cataloging them, and getting them ready to be used and loved by our church family, and others.
Lieu (géographique)
Gainesville, GA
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