Nom réel
Kathleen Clark
A propos de moi
I am a transplanted New Yorker--more precisely, a disgruntled transplant from Eastern Long Island. My username, SunshineKatie, is ironic because I rarely get to BE in the sunshine due to my job as a newspaper carrier and my sun sensitivity. Being a newspaper carrier allows me to spend my days with my books, my Netflix subscription, my family and my overabundance of pet hair. I like to think of it as being semi-retired, but in all honesty, my lowly profession is the result of the decision to drop out of college to have a child and stay home with that child until I felt it was safe to entrust him to the world and rejoin my semi-adult life already-in-progress. I'm approaching my mid-40's: it is now apparent that my decision-making skills are best kindly described as "rusty." Have you noticed my picture? Helena Blavatsky: chosen for reasons unrelated to literature. I had no notion of who she was until I looked her up on Wikipedia: she's really quite scary. No, I just relate to her countenance. She seems to at once be discouraged by her lot in life and yet there is a spark of interest in her eye as if the concrete matters in her life may not change, but Netflix or Amazon may deliver something to inspire her imagination. Do you think?
Lieu (géographique)
Suncoast of FL
Favoris locaux

Librairies: BookHampton - Southampton, Books-A-Million #777

Bibliothèques: North Port Library