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(2), Care homes (2), Dementia care (2), Communication (2), Lifestyle (2), Spiritual healing (2), Rehabilitation. (2), Community groups (2), Psychology (2), voluntary groups (2), Long Term Care. (2), Homefirst Community Trust (2), Socio-Economic Factors (2), Health and Social Services (2), Age equality (2), Community arts projects (2), Video (2), Policy (2), Magazine (2), Family Relationships (2), Health services (2), Quality of Life (2), Personal narratives (2), CD-Rom (2), Recreation (2), Religious life. 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(1), Old age homes (1), health (1), ThreePhase therapy (1), articles from various nursing and ageing journals (1), handbook (1), depression (1), Royal College of Nursing (1), Care Awards Ceremony (1), Memory Bridge (1), diary (1), Alzheimer's Disease Society (1), Care workers (1), Live at Three (1), Age Action Ireland (1), Day Services for Older People (1), Care Management (1), Irish Hospice Foundation (1), Services for the Elderly (1), Early Stage Dementia (1), Community health and health planning. (1), Directories. (1), Mental Health Policy (1), Health Care Professionals (1), Mental health policy (1), Old persons (1), Sensory activity (1), Sensory curriculum (1), Lucy Kilkenny (1), United States (1), other resources photocopies (1), patient-centred care (1), communication (1), Enable information and folder (1), report print outs (1), maxims (1), Photocopies of book chapters (1), Trainer's pack (1), Newsletters : Sonas aPc (1), Articles relating to Sonas aPc (1), Carers. 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Inscrit depuis
Aug 14, 2012
Nom réel
Sonas APC
A propos de ma bibliothèque
The library collection is for research purposes only and for office use. The idea behind cataloguing it was to ensure a record is kept of the collection.

A propos de moi
It was 1990 when Sr Mary Threadgold developed the Sonas approach. Now, 21 years later, more than 6,200 care assistants, nurses, speech & language therapists, occupational therapists and many other healthcare workers have been trained in the use of her programmes.

Sonas apc is a QA Certified FETAC Centre and a member organisation of the Wheel.In 1997 we received funding from the Department of Health and Children. This is now annual funding and it enables us to develop our programmes, subsidise our workshops and promote the needs of older people with dementia and intellectual disabilities. As the organisation has grown, so too has the approach. In 2000, an adaptation of Sonas for older people with intellectual disabilities. Several years later we created a further adaptation of the Sonas Group Session for use on an individual basis. This we called SIMS (the Sonas Individual Multi-sensory Session).

We train people to carry out therapeutic activities with older people who have Alzheimer's, other forms of dementia or any condition that brings about communication impairment.

Research supports the benefits for participants, including significant improvements in communication and mood and lower levels of depression for participants.

The aim is to activate each participant's potential for communication. We also provide nursing homes and carers with spiritual care resources. Sonas apc ® is a registered charity.
Lieu (géographique)
St Mary's, 201 Merrion Road, Dublin 4, Ireland.
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