
psychology (50), early reviewers (40), business (30), astrology (30), self growth (25), garden (24), esoteric (22), personal growth (22), science (19), novel (18), history (14), travel (10), biology (10), physics (10), language (9), Moon (9), cooking (8), photography (8), short stories (8), mathematics (8), marketing (8), fiction (8), art (8), orange cover (7), philosophy (7), album (7), education (6), biography (6), organization (6), writing (6), games (6), health (5), tale (5), design (5), non-fiction (5), politics (5), mind (5), painting (5), 5/2013 (5), cosmology (4), autobiography (4), poetry (4), karma (4), Moscow (4), Saturn (4), colors (4), time management (4), literature (4), buddhism (4), brain (4), ayurveda (4), evolution (3), drawing (3), cosmos (3), London (3), copywriting (3), jevelry (3), sufism (3), Lilit (3), animals (3), phylosophy (2), advertising (2), Lunar Nodes (2), adventure (2), Go (2), Tibet (2), house keeping (2), Feng Shui (2), Russia (2), crime (2), transits (2), puzzles (2), humour (2), Britain (2), pharmaceutica (2), ebook (2), time (2), flight (2), zen (2), music (2), cities (2), architecture (2), medicine (2), gold (2), cats (2), detective (2), herbs (1), russian (1), astronomy (1), irony (1), Uranus (1), color (1), etymology (1), tales (1), jungian (1), flora (1), marriage (1), elephant (1), olive oil (1), japanese (1), math (1), peony (1), jyotish (1), short story (1), Maya (1), English (1), daos (1), saadhe saati (1), djiotish (1), symbolism (1), sinastry (1), puzzle (1), Lunar Returns (1), mistery (1), table games (1), paeonia (1), CD (1), Pluto (1), GTD (1), Queen (1), apple (1), Jupiter (1), fantasy (1), religion (1), Paris (1), Zen (1), veda (1), pear (1), sanscrit (1), Runes (1), Greece (1), pond (1), roses (1), game (1), sport (1), erotica (1), coaching (1), Hermes (1), love (1), impressionism (1), phychology (1), restaurants (1), numerology (1), synchronicity (1), alchemy (1), quantum (1), Einstein (1), food (1), memoire (1), Mercury (1), jasmine (1), lilac (1), science fiction (1), linguistics (1), agriculture (1), evolution theory (1), rock garden (1), Neptune (1), Gaudi (1), water garden (1), islands (1), forest (1), profession (1), francais (1), China (1), progressions (1), movies (1), metaprogramming (1), backgammon (1), dreams (1), predictions (1), mushrooms (1), yoga (1), finances (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Sep 16, 2013
Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque
I am planning to make the complete list of my home library here in LibraryThing. I suppose it is about 1000 of books, so it will take some time to complete the task, however I am trying to add at least a few books each day. I believe this online catalog will help me to make some order in the Library, to set priorities for reading, etc. I am marking as "reading now" all the books which I've started to read and still not finish, and I was surprised to see that it occured around 20 books of such kind. So I am going to finish with some of them and maybe put the reviews.
A propos de moi
I am from Moscow, Russia. I like reading, currently the most of my interest is in psychology, including the astrology as the way to make the psychologic analysis and considerations. Also, I am interested in business theme, mostly the books about personal growth in life and in the business, psychology in marketing, etc. As an amateur in photography, I often read some books on photography. There are a lot of other interests, which my library more or less reflects.
Lieu (géographique)
Moscow, Russia
En cours de lecture

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