Nom réel
Sherrie Seibert Goff
A propos de ma bibliothèque
I am in the process of listing several books from my classical library, both fiction and non-fiction, starting with what I have about Rome. After that, I may add my books on the ancient Greeks and the Celts if time permits.
A propos de moi
I am a lover of historical novels and have held a long abiding love for ancient and classical history, especially anything Roman. My large personal library and the wonderful stories to be found in history have led me to write historical fiction myself. I am the author of THE ARMS OF QUIRINUS, THE SCENT OF HYACINTH, THE WARRIOR'S DANCE, and THE TIBER BRIDGE. I left the Los Angeles corporate world behind and now live in Idaho with my husband and two cats. I am researching and writing a set of tales subtitled SEVEN KINGS OF ROME NOVELS, so my special interest at the moment is the Etruscan and early Roman period, but for relaxation and enjoyment, I nearly always have some delectable historical novel at chairside or bedside. Two of my earliest inspirations and most beloved authors were Mary Renault and Norah Lofts. Many others have joined the fold of favorites since then, from Robert Graves to Jack Whyte, Edward Rutherford, Caleb Carr and Ken Follett, to name just a few. I love novelists known for their in-depth research and historical imagination. For more information, visit my author's website.
Lieu (géographique)
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