A propos de moi
2017 Canine TBR Jar Challenge - http://scarletaingeal.blogspot.co.uk/p/blog-page_18.html

I'm an avid reader from Scotland. Books are my passion and I have been in love with reading since a very young age. I enjoy all different genres but my favourites are dark fiction, fantasy, horror, paranormal, suspense and thriller, and sometimes some non-fiction or historical fiction. I also read some sci-fi but I am particularly picky with that genre. I don't read romance or erotica.

When I'm not reading I'm usually doing some sort of craft, I tend to have many different projects on the go: knitting, crochet, embroidery, shuttle tatting, hooking, and felting.

I'm new to LibraryThing and I'm still currently in the process of adding all my books and reviews. They go back a few years so there are lots to add and it's a slow process.
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