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Inscrit depuis
Jul 31, 2006
Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque
My library is In Progress. Most of the books in my library I have read--some more than once. Occasionally, I buy books with the very good intention to read them but research reading or work gets in the way. Memoirs and essays are my favorite with books-on-books following.

You will never find a review by me; however, if I'm asked my opinion on a book, I'm very willing to share.
A propos de moi
I'm a writer. I went to school to research and study children's literature, social youth issues + juvenile justice. During that time, I worked with some pretty amazing kids in juvenile incarceration, as much of my library suggests. I currently work in higher education administration.

In my free time, I read, blog, volunteer, cook, and study meditation. I am looking for a series to become helplessly devoted to. I've been attempting to finally produce a four-part youth literary, anti-censorship workshop I created and wrote.
Lieu (géographique)
Seattle, WA
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