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Inscrit depuis
Sep 3, 2013
Nom réel
Ruby Binns-Cagney
A propos de ma bibliothèque
All my books, Kindle and Nook or Kobo versions included, and updated regularly.
A propos de moi
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?

I grew up in a small town in England. I lived near a library, and got into reading fiction books while attending college.
I enjoyed crime thrillers by Lawrence Block, James Patterson, and Patricia Cornwell, and it gave me an interest in Criminology and Psychology and I put it together from there.
After college I got interested in Forensic Science, and took my interests further into my book writing, which features crime scene investigations and forensic testing of evidence in homicides, based in New York City.

When did you first start writing?

I wrote my first fictional short story book on paper aged sixteen. I showed it to my classmates, and told them to look out for it to be published.
Of the friends who read the book, they all said it was fantastic.
It gave me a real confidence boost.
It wasn't until much later in life that I got around to being a self-published Author due to extensive travel and career plans.
I gained certification as a Life and Relationship Coach, and write relationship self-help books alongside fiction.

What's the story behind your latest book?
My latest new fiction book, "1-8-7 Homicide, New York," is an espionage-themed crime thriller featuring NYPD's Detective Sergeant Finkel Macaulay.

The challenge for Macaulay begins when she discovers her husband, FBI Supervisory Special Agent Nick Benson has kept a major secret from her, and it rocks their marriage. They're already trying to cope with Nick's Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and it's getting worse. His medication has stopped working, and he becomes violent, with disastrous consequences.
It was challenging to create such intense drama for the main characters because they're usually romantic with each other.
I hope my readers will enjoy it, and give me their thoughts.

What motivated you to become an indie author?

I had a manuscript ready for a long time before I broached the idea of self-publishing as an Indie Author. The learning curve for digital publishing was very steep until I discovered Smashwords, and how simple it was to have extended distribution to other retailers.
I spent an entire weekend and emerged with a book published and on sale.
It was a pivotal moment in my writing career.
Now I publish one book every month. I enjoy writing so much I set up BinnsCagneyPublishing and Design Co to encourage new Authors to self-publish.

How has Smashwords contributed to your success?
From the get go, Smashwords has metaphorically held my hand through the entire digital publishing process. Without any assistance I've been able to produce high quality digital books on many platforms for eBook readers including Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook, and Canada's Kobo reader.

What is the greatest joy of writing for you?

I especially enjoy creating high suspense and drama. Keeping the readers guessing what will happen next. Unlike a movie, readers have to get to the next part of the plot over several days' reading.
The build up of suspenseful story telling is the real skill.
Once the reader cares about whether the characters survive the explosion, or manage to escape from the serial killer hopefully goes a long way to their enjoyment of my books. I certainly hope so!

What do your fans mean to you?

My fans mean the world to me. I get so many messages on Facebook and on my blog from fans who love NYPD's Detective Sergeant Finkel Macaulay and the FBI's Supervisory Special Agent Nick Benson, and often ask me if they will stay together!
It helps that Finkel and Nick are so sexy and passionate, and enjoy being physical with each other.
I introduced a new character, Mike Sabrini, who is a Crime Scene Investigator who becomes infatuated with Finkel, and the fans went wild !
Some of them told me in no uncertain terms that Finkel belongs with Nick !
I found it so incredible that my fans are already so invested in my characters.
I love to hear from fans at my Facebook Page Author Ruby Binns-Cagney because it's important to me to connect with them, and give them the enjoyment of my books they seek.

What are you working on next?
I've just finished writing "1-8-7 Homicide New York" in paperback and Kindle versions, and am writing "Fifth Avenue Murder" which is published at the end of September.
Lieu (géographique)
New York City, USA
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