
Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque
Mostly sci-fi/fantasy mass market paperback. I tend to buy authors first in paperback and then either upconvert the books I like or in special cases, start buying hardcover if I liked the beginning of the series. I have most of the dragonlance series, about half of the forgotten realms series, though I consider these light reads without much literary merit.

My favorite fantasy authors have changed a lot over time. I really started at the bottom of the barrel and have been working my way up, much like a wine or scotch habit. My current favorites are probably Hobb (only the early stuff), Martin, Carey (when I want something more racey), Wolfe, and Cook (only the early Black Company stuff) with a nod to Jordan for his rich, albeit literally overdetailed world. I don't read as much sci-fi, but I really like Gibson's cyber-punk stuff. I tend to like character driven books with emotional richness and realistic motivations that stay a step ahead of me.

I'm in the process of culling all my paperbacks. I'm either buying the hardcover version if I REALLY like the book, buying them in digital form if I like the book, or just dumping if it was just mediocre.
A propos de moi
I'm a PhD student in Computer Science at Binghamton University, NY, USA. Most of the time I'm programming or playing racquetball, but I do find time to read a book a week or so.
Lieu (géographique)
Boston, MA
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