
London (23), The Archers (18), History (9), Biography (8), Britain (7), America (7), England (7), London history (5), Twickenham (4), Fontana (4), Knitting (4), Whitton (4), Local history (3), Richmond (3), British Airways (3), English (3), Royalty (3), Social History (3), HIstory (3), Diaries (2), Art (2), Maps (2), Needlework (2), Kew Gardens (2), reprinted 1973 (2), Holidays (2), expert witnesses (2), Posters (2), Retail (2), Hampton (2), Education (2), English history (2), Surveying (2), Economics (2), law (2), English life (2), Shopping (2), Teddington (2), River Thames (2), evidence (2), Embroidery (1), Borough of Twickenham Local History Society (1), Petersham Trust (1), London's Arcadia Partnership (1), Films (1), O level Examinations (1), Asgill House Trust (1), Orleans House Gallery (1), Books (1), Waterstone's Piccadilly (1), Journalism (1), Dunster Beach (1), Subcontracting (1), Southern Railway (1), Underground (1), Domestic science (1), Ham (1), Portraiture (1), Library history (1), Houses (1), Countryside (1), Victorian history (1), Currency (1), Shilling (1), Coronation (1), Musicals (1), Marks & Spencer (1), Household management (1), Walks (1), Radio (1), Rowan (1), Legal (1), Italic handwriting (1), Examinations (1), Children's literature (1), Bob (1), Homes (1), Atlas (1), Walking (1), wildlife (1), construction (1), photography (1), knitting (1), design (1), 1939 (1), calligraphy (1), Tea (1), 1955 (1), 1965 (1), Japan (1), 1954 (1), 1960 (1), 1962 (1), New York (1), history (1), Egyptian history (1), textile (1), Architecture (1), Great Western Railway (1), British (1), Food (1), Humour (1), Richmond Hill (1), Builders (1), Constable (1), walking (1), Dorset (1), Middlesex (1), Petersham (1), EU (1), Fontan (1), Coinage (1), Social history (1), 11+ (1), Dressmaking (1), Census (1), Kew (1), Windsor (1), cables (1), Kingston-upon Thames (1)
Nuage des mots-clés, Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
Aug 26, 2006
Nom réel
Madeleine Swann
A propos de ma bibliothèque
Large family library, collection covers old mathematics books, surveying and residential construction, art books, books about London, works by Mary Vivian Hughes, Howard Spring, Nevil Shute.
A propos de moi
Londoner, retired Cataloguer and Indexer. Am interested in indexing, in local and family history and the Archers. Have taken up knitting and crochet again after a long break, time is the problem between reading, blogging, gardening,voluntary work at local studies library, the family, etc.,
Lieu (géographique)
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