
India (122), stamps (76), history (44), Jack (32), fiction (26), travel (16), birds (11), words (10), land (9), children (6), belief (5), collection (3)
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Inscrit depuis
Feb 18, 2007
Nom réel
Peter Leevers
A propos de ma bibliothèque
My books do reflect an interest in stamps and in India. I was until recently editing the philatelic journal, 'India Post'. I studied geography for my first degree and a love of maps has stayed with me. I birdwatch, lots of books there, and have an interest in the landscape. Much of my fiction reflects these main interests.
A propos de moi
I am from a large English family, we were brought up in London. The name may be familiar to historians of the film industry, our firm made the first professional use tape recorders that were extensively used in the fifties by film and TV production in the UK.
I worked in commercial programming and later in social work. I was brought up to be helpful but also to cultivate my own interests. I had my own children late in life and they are keeping me young.
Lieu (géographique)
Dorset, UK
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