
Nuage des mots-clés, Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
Jun 6, 2014
Nom réel
Kee Patterbee
A propos de moi
Kee Patterbee ( spent the early years of her life working at the hardest career in the world. She was a mother. Then she embarked on a second career as a grandmother. Along the way, she dabbled in writing, most often in short stories. In 2013, Kee decided to do something she had always dreamed of doing. She began work on her first novel. That book is The Chef at the Water's Edge. Here, she created the character of Hannah Starvling. Her protagonist is a former FBI turned culinary consultant, now semi-amateur sleuth.

Since that time she's written three more Hannah novels and one novella as part of the ongoing Twilight Mystery Series. Plans are in the work for many more.

Kee grew up in a small southern town. It was there that her love of slow paced communities, their residents, and the dark underbelly they often hide was born. When she was a little girl, she loved reading old world myths. Her favorite was the Roman god Janus, the two-faced god of beginnings and transitions. Her fascination lay with his association with gates, doors, passages, endings and time, and the future and to the past. Kee remembers riding her bike through her neighborhood, contemplating the Janus story. She then applied it to her town. She often wondered what went on behind the gates leading to facade of the many little wood frame houses. What did the townsfolk do behind those closed doors when no one was looking? Thus, most of her stories and adventures are set in or around the sleepy riverside town of Twilight. The town is a Norman Rockwell picturesque by day. By night, it is illuminated by shadows.

Kee is southern through and through. She married a man of similar origins. He shares her fascination with the unseen, both real and imagined. They now live in Georgia where they lead a quiet existence of writing and enjoying life in general. One of the things they love is seeking out and visiting 'roadside' attractions. Those places that offer a look into the more unusual aspects of America. They also are in search of the perfect chicken wing and chili cheese dog. In the summer they exist between writing and these adventures.

Kee and her husband Joe, are great lovers of animals. They share their house with two Yorkies, Zippy and Doodles, and a tuxedo cat named CTO, which stands for Chinese Take Out.
Lieu (géographique)
Atlanta, GA USA
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