Witchcraft (22), Magic (14), Wicca (12), Herbalism (10), Occultism (7), Astrology (6), Parapsychology (6), Grimoires (5), Handbooks (5), Herbs (5), Plants (4), New Age movement (4), United States (4), Magic--Early works to 1800 (4), Lothloriën (Wiccan sect) (4), Herbs--Therapeutic use (3), Psychic ability (3), Shamanism (3), Tarot (3), Women and religion (3), Dictionaries (2), Sex magic (2), Symbolism (2), Cults (2), Necromancy (2), Druids (2), Biographies (2), Success (2), Gardening (2), Neopaganism--History (2), Spirituality (2), Cooking (2), Neopaganism (2), Calendars (2), Demonology (2), Black magic (2), Occultism--Calendars (2), Witchcraft--Calendars (2), Magic--Calendars (2), Facsimiles (2), Sex--Religious aspects (1), Charms (1), Traditional witchcraft (1), Wicca-History (1), Stewart Farrar (1), Solomonic Magic (1), Fakelore (1), Natal astrology (1), Folk magic (1), Aleister (1), 1912-1976 (1), Sigils (1), American astrology (1), Psychokinesis (1), Cooking (Wild foods) (1), Philosophical Research Society (1), Sects--United States (1), Llewellyn George (1), Mass market paperback (1), Llewellyn Publications (1), Board games (1), Japanese (1), J. (Jiddu) 1895-1986 (1), Meher Baba 1894-1969 (1), Filianic doctrine (1), Deanists (1), Celestial Empire of Aristasia--Doctrine (1), Angel magic (1), Diana (Roman deity) (1), New Aradia movement (1), Resistance to--Religious aspects--Occultism (1), Gurdjieff Georges Ivanovitch 1872-1949 (1), Insight Institute (1), Herbs--Astrological aspects (1), Hecate (Greek deity) (1), Protection magic (1), Houses--Protection (1), Witchcraft--England (1), Wicca--England (1), 1875-1947 (1), Sacred space--Northeastern States (1), Occultism--Northeastern States (1), Astrology--Study and teaching (1), Health--Astrological aspects (1), Symbolism of colors (1), 1915-2008 (1), Souther States (1), Mayas--Prophecies (1), Folkwitch (1), Babalon (Goddess) (1), Rosicruscian (1), Poisonous flora (1), Poisonous fauna (1), Feri (Wiccan sect) (1), Six-Fold Path (1), Birth charts (1), Alexandrian (Wiccan sect) (1), Kāmasūtra (1), Kāmashāstra (1), Color--Symbolic aspects (1), Ida Hulery Fletcher (1), Portland School of Astrology (1), Lewis H. Weston (1), Madrakara (Collective settlement) (1), Hawks (1), Chinese Medicine (1), Man-woman relationships (1), Cora (1), Gerald Gardner (1), Gardnerian (1), Book of Shadows (1), Transcendental Meditation (1), Treatises (1), Aradia (1), Goddess religion (1), Hermetism (1), Anderson (1), Scotland (1), England (1), Enochian magic (1), Crustaceans (1), Warlocks (1), Physiognomy (1), Krishnamurti (1), Northamptonshire (1), United Kingdom (1), Aleister Crowley (1), Unicorns (1), Victor (1), Zoology (1), Natural history (1), Publishers and publishing (1), Interviews (1), Zen Buddhism (1), Study and teaching (1), Wiccans (1), Satanism (1), Raptors (1), Tibetan Buddhism (1), Dianics (1), Ginseng (1), Popular Medicine (1), Archangels (1), Catalogs (1), Prophecies (Occultism) (1), Activists (1), Exorcism (1), Encyclopedias (1), Bestiaries (1), Journals (1), Guidebooks (1), Snakes (1), Periodicals (1), Devil (1), Thelema (1), Tibet (1), 21st century (1), Zodiac (1), Almanacs (1), Numerology (1), Medicinal plants (1), Anthroposophy (1), Permaculture (1), Landscape gardening (1), Witches (1), Edible wild plants (1), Flowers (1), Spiritual life (1), Native plant gardening (1), Landscape plants (1), Sex (1), Buddhism (1), Love (1), Animals (1), Goddesses (1), Crowley (1), Government (1), Spirits (1), Dreams (1), Religions (1), Yoga (1), Internet (1), Spiders (1), Calendars--Japan (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Nov 23, 2018
Nom réel
New Age Movements, Occultism, and Spiritualism Research Lib.
A propos de ma bibliothèque
This library contains volumes not yet in NAMOSRL, but remain in the person collection of its founder.
A propos de moi
NAMOSRL, an acronym for New Age Movements, Occultism, and Spiritualism Research Library, is a new academic Pagan Archives founded in 2016 by Guy Frost at Valdosta State University in Valdosta, Georgia. As the name suggests, the coverage is not limited to Wicca or Neopaganism, although the bulk of the collection reflects these areas, but includes any new religious movements that surfaced during the mid-19th century onward. The primary collection of published volumes is manuscript collection MS/150/1. This is followed by individual archival collections: MS/150/2 Linda Kerr Faerie Faith Papers (McFarland Dianic lineage); MS/150/3 Guy Frost Faerie Faith Papers; MS/150/4 Max Freedom Long Library and Museum (founder of Huna); MS/150/5 Rowan Tree Church Periodicals Collection; MS/150/6 Open Source Alexandrian Tradition; MS/150/7 Victor and Cora Anderson Library; MS/150/8 Aquarian Tabernacle Church Collection; Beatrice M. Hill Journals (a British Psychic recording her impressions of soldiers in the 1940s); MS/150/9 Sir Edwin Arnold Collection (wrote an influental Epic poem on Buddha); MS/150/11 Richard and Adele papers (two Californian evangelical ministers); MS/150/12 Rev. Paul Saleste papers (early minister of a new Christian denomination founded in 1934); MS/150/13 Chas Clifton's vertical file (readings, correspondence, ephemera, etc.); MS/150/14 Coby Michael Ward collection (presentations, publications, other); MS/150/15 Book of Shadows Collection (only two so far: Egyptian Wicca (circa 1980); Facsimile of Alex Sanders); MS/150/16 Loy and Louis Stone Collection; MS/150/17 David Murgatroyd Collection (British Occultist); MS/150/18 Mystery Kit (miscellaneous occult items left, sealed, in a suitcase); MS/150/? - The collection of stuff you've been wondering what to do with ...
Lieu (géographique)
Valdosta, Georgia
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