
signed (80), fiction (79), series (74), special edition (56), fantasy (52), lgbtq+ (44), book box (40), FairyLoot (33), mystery (30), magic (30), mm romance (28), ya (27), historical (24), romance (20), humor (18), Fox & Wit (14), ya romance (14), contemporary (13), urban fantasy (12), spice (12), Lovecraft (12), adventure (11), retelling (11), graphic novel (10), paranormal romance (10), horror (9), adult (9), science fiction (8), myth (8), paranormal (7), disability (6), vampire (6), Fae Crate (6), na (6), magical realism (5), superheroes & villains (5), fae (5), sea (4), pirates (4), novella (4), crime (4), thriller (4), Obsidian Flame Crate (3), dark (3), feminist (3), duology (3), middle grade (2), shifter (2), dystopia (2), arc (2), paperback (1), no spice (1), space (1), Barnes & Noble Edition (1), Russia (1), YA (1), Australia (1), anthologies and collections (1), African continent (1), Nigeria (1), mental health (1), signed Rainbow Crate (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Feb 22, 2024
Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque

I have a large library in a small space. A lot of my books are in storage (tubs in the garage) and the two primary goals of cataloging them are: 1) to get a better sense of what I own since I do not see the entire collection regularly, and 2) to know which books can be found in which location. I'll also be adding this list to Notion so I can access it regularly.

A propos de moi

Just a librarian with a book addiction.

Lieu (géographique)
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