
Toutes les collections (412), Plays (1), Classics (1), Manga (1), Sports (9), Biography (9), Fiction (31), Christmas (3), Food & Drink (1), Mignolaverse (13), Comics (132), Entertainment (8), Star Wars (21), Religion (1), Science (1), History (11), Gaiman (18), Occult (1), Signed by Author (15), Votre bibliothèque (412)
Hellboy (10), Mandalorian (9), Boba Fett (6), Titanic (6), Firefly (5), Deadpool (3), TCU (3), Transylvania (3), Baseball (3), Batman (2), Comic Books (2), Arsenal (2), Krampus (2), Moon Knight (2), SNL (2), Sharks (2), Sherlock Holmes (1), Baseball Cards (1), Lego (1), Football (1), Carl Barks (1), The Shadow (1), Norse Mythology (1), Jaws (1), dramas (1), Ghosts (1), Beer (1), plays (1), Centre (1), Don Rosa (1), , classics (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Jan 15, 2022
Nom réel
John Lamberth
A propos de ma bibliothèque
Lots of stuff, but major interests include comic books, comedy, history, rock music, religion, and sports (soccer and baseball).
Favorite authors: Neil Gaiman, Christopher Moore, Douglas Adams
A propos de moi
Actual professional cataloging librarian
Lieu (géographique)
Arlington, TX
Auteurs favoris