Nom réel
Carol Davis
A propos de ma bibliothèque
I read a lot.. and I like variety.. Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Thrillers, Historical Fiction, Horor, Comedy (Love Janet Evanovich) .. what ever. Just about anything except westerns and sloppy romance.

I am one of those people that read the cereal packets if nothing else is available.
My favourite authors are Colleen McCullough (The Thorn Birds), Isaac Asimov, Matthew Reilly, Arthur C. Clarke, Diana Gabaldon, Michael Crichton, Steven King.
A propos de moi
I've been a book addict since I learned to walk! All I ever wanted for Christmas was a pile of books. Our house nearly burned down around my ears once because I was stuck in a book - the other world ceases to exist. I was up late, the family had all gone to bed. My Mother came rushing in and said "can't you smell that??" An ember had jumped out of the fireplace and set the settee cushions on fire!! LOL.
Lieu (géographique)
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