
Media-General/American (29), Canadian Media Industries (Academic book) (15), New Media (15), Recommended by members of Group B (14), Are the media in crisis? (14), Canadian Broadcasting (13), Media Policy (12), Recommended by members of Group C (12), Canadian Television (12), Media Ownership (11), Television (8), Canadian Media Industries in General - Reports (8), Advertising/Marketing (8), Rated a "must read" by members of Group A (7), African Americans and Mass Media (7), Media and Democracy (6), Journalism (6), Media and Race (6), Canadian Newspapers (5), What are the current trends in the music and movie industries? (5), Publishing Industry (5), Copyright (5), Newspapers (4), Media History (4), CBC (4), Canadian Publishing (4), What are the current trends in the publishing and e-book industries? (4), How is journalism changing? (4), How might we characterize the history of Canadian media? History as Guide to the Future. (4), Canadian Film Industries (4), Film Industries (4), Music Industry (4), Broadcasting Industries (4), What is the history of advertising and the brand? (3), and the future (3), Media and Canadian Nationalism (3), Canadian Radio (2), Radio (2), British Media (2), Canadian Music Industry (2), Canadian Journalism (2), American Television Networks (2), Public Relations (2), Warning from members of Group B: book is high school level and common knowledge (1), Warning label from members of Group C: a bit dull (1), Warninig label from members of Group B: deceptive title and pre-emptive (1), contradicting (1), some members of Group B call this "a dry and hard read" (1), Mass Communication Scholarship (1), Warning label from Group C: may be biased (1), Members of Group B call this "a good read but a bit difficult and long" (1), Warning label from members of group C: may be outdated (1), Warning label from members of Group A: Dry (1), Warning label from members of Group A: a bit outdated and reviews are critical (1), Warning label from members of Group A: hard to find and few reviews available online (1), What is the significance of consumer or citizen-created content? (1), Rated a "must read" by members of Group A and Group B (1), Warning from members of Group B: this book a little cynical (1), Propaganda (1), What is the the future of the music industry? (1), Media and Youth (1), Media Ethics (1), Alternative Media (1), Frankfurt School (1), Cultural Studies (1), Marketing (1), Black Culture (1), New media (1), Convergence (1), Aboriginal media (1), Quebec Media (1), What is the significance of popular “infotainment”? (1), Canadian New Media (1), Video Games (1), First Peoples' Television (1), Info-tainment (1), News Sources (1), Consumer-Generated Content (1), Citizen-Generated Content (1), What is it like to work in the media? (1), What are the current trends in film and television production? (1), How is newsgathering changing? (1), Warning label from members of Group C: pessimisitic! (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Dec 17, 2011