
2 copies (50), 3 copies (8), 1 (HB) (7), 2 copies (HB) (4), 2nd edn. (3), 1 (PB) (3), 1 copy (HB) (3), 1 copy (2), PB (2), 1 copy (PB) (2), 1 HB (2), Translated from the Spanish by Rev. W. McDonald (2), Vol. 1: 2 copies (2), 2 Copies (2), D.D. (2), Preface Christmas 1883 (1), ? 1885 (1), 1904 (eight imp.) (1), Third edn. Vol. 1 (1), New edn (1), 2 Copsies (1), Preface 1872 (1), Preface Arthur Griffith Dec. 1901 (1), 1929 6th edn. (1), Rev. edn. (1), Preface 1909 (1), 1909 & 1910 (1), Preface dated Dublin 15 Aug. 1867 (1), Editor’s Intro dated 1906 (1), Rev. Joseph Raya (1), 50 Upper Sackville Street (1), Third imp. 1918 (1), Prince’s Street (1), Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas (1), Edward Ponsonby (1), Baron José de Vinck (1), Dublin 1916 (1), 2 copies 1 small edn. (1), M.H. Gill & Son (1), Adapted from the well-known novel The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot (1), 1866 Vol. I (1), Revised 1881 (1), 2 (HB) (1), New Edn. 1901 (1), May 1883 (1), 3 copies (HB) (1), Vol. I: 3 copies (1), 2 copies (PB) (1), 9th Imp. 1909 (1), 4 copies (1), 1963 (1), 1928 (1), Dublin (1), 1876 (1), 1886 (1), 1911 (1), Eugenie (1), 1933 (1), Third edition (1), New Issue (1), First published 1958 (1), Preface (1), 2 formats (1), Inscribed by Her Most August Majesty (1), Vol. I: 2 copies (1), The Empress of the French (1), Easter 1911 (1), New Imp. 1918 (1), New edn. 1904 (1), Foreword: Derrinlough March 1907 (1), 8th Imp. 1929 (1), 1925 (PB) (1), New edn. 1933 (1), Translated from the French of Mlle Zenaïde Fleuriot (1), With an Introduction by (1), 3 (HB) (1), HB 2 copies (1), Paris (1), Vol. 1: 1 copy (1), €495 in Healy Catalogue 13 (Aut. 2013) (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Jan 4, 2016
Nom réel
Michael Gill
A propos de ma bibliothèque
Books carrying the imprints of McGlashan & Gill and also M.H.Gill and Son, published before c.1920. Also books printed at the University Press of Dublin University by M.H.Gill prior to 1875.
A propos de moi
Publisher. Chairman of M.H.Gill & Co., Dublin
Lieu (géographique)
Dublin, Ireland
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