
Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
Mar 30, 2013
Nom réel
Lotus Flower
A propos de ma bibliothèque
I will literally read anything. My most favorite is most likely YA novels as they are rich with science fiction, supernatural, fantasy which is my most favorite genres. But I will read anything, I love to branch out and try new books.
A propos de moi
Hello my dear friends and followers! Yes, life keeps me busy but to all of you that follow my work, my blog, and my reviews as well as participate in my book groups, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I HOST MANY BOOK GROUPS SO IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SUBMITTING A FREE BOOK FOR REVIEW, CONTACT ME AND I CAN PASS YOUR WORK ON TO MY GROUP MEMBERS. ALL MY MEMBERS ARE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT A REVIEW IF THEY REQUEST A FREE BOOK OR FACE EXPULSION FROM MY GROUPS, so feel free to pass on with confidence. I am also a writer and value the work it takes to create a book so the utmost respect will be paid to your work as well. If you are interested in reading and participating in my READ FOR REVIEW book group, please send me an email and I can respond with the group rules and requirements. It is extremely fun and helpful for both authors and readers!

Come check out my blog(under construction).It will feature my funky clothing line, fashion hair and jewelry accessories, and other kick ass items that I craft or come across, giveaway contests including: my merchandise items from my clothing line, ARC's and ebooks,fashion hair accessories, unique handmade jewelry, products that I sample and review from companies, and other odds and ends.

I am currently working on my first YA novel and collaborating with my 7 year old on a children's book adventure series!

I have a passion, a deep homicidal obsession with books! I don't play favorites really, I will read it all!I love to just escape from this reality and let myself get sucked into the world of which the author I am reading takes me. I love to live the impossible in my mind and almost hate having to put down my books and return to reality. But alas, that is life but the best thing about it is that there are endless amounts of books to read so the adventures will never truly end.

Thanks for reading this, add me on your friends and let's start sharing!
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