
Romance (3), teen (2), children (1), Racism (1), Government (1), Faith (1), Compassion (1), Spirit (1), Vampires (1), Vampire (1), War (1), Slavery (1), Comedy (1), Love (1), Religion (1), History (1), uncle tom's cabin (1), Greek (1), Suspense (1), Communism (1), Sci-Fi (1), Hate (1), caulfield (1), antisociality (1), non-mormon (1), Oepidus (1), Adlutry (1), marcos's book mine to read (1), not stained glass (1), trailer trash teen (1), After Life (1), Action (1), Amazing (1), loves (1), spokane (1), Discrimination (1), Summer (1), Suicide (1), LGBT (1), Gothic (1), Old English (1), sweeden (1), Antigone (1), Disturbing (1), romanitc (1), island (1), racist (1), poetic (1), trial (1), Gay (1), Tragedy (1), communism (1), vampire (1), fantasy (1), Classic Fiction (1), New York (1), depression (1), history (1), war (1), abuse (1), quick read (1), poem (1), delinquent (1), Death (1), arnold (1), 19th Century (1), civil war (1), death (1), indian (1), mormon (1), basketball (1), beowulf (1), holden (1), washington (1), Humiliation (1), laywers (1), swearing (1), play (1), passionate (1), issues (1), grendel (1), exciting (1), power-hunger (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Oct 8, 2008
A propos de ma bibliothèque
This is a collection of books read by students in Mr. Lindsay's English classes for the 2008-2009 year. Some books come from a required list and some are student selected. Students should create a tag for the book, rate it, put their name in the comment box, and write a short review.
A propos de moi
Its not just me, but us. A group is posting books here to allow us instant access to information on what we are all reading.
En cours de lecture

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