
Youth fiction (92), Fiction (64), Y FIC JEN (32), Y FIC LEW (31), Left Behind (18), Young Adult (14), Y FIC HUT (14), Y FIC LUC (13), young adult (12), 248.4 LUC (9), Biography (9), Young adult fiction (7), 248.8 FIT (7), Redemption Series (7), Y FIC THO (6), The Chronicles of Narnia (6), Y FIC RIC (5), COPY 2 (5), 248.4 WIL (5), 248.4 SWI (5), COPY 1 (5), 248.4 MOO (4), Y FIC WAL (4), 248.8435 OMA (4), 248.4 BRI (4), Y FIC HAN (4), 248.4 WAR (4), young women (4), YA 248 KIN (4), 248.4 ORT (4), 248.32 OMA (4), Y FIC BER (4), 248.4 BLA (3), 248.4 CRA (3), 248.842 MOR (3), 613 ART (3), 646.78 SMA (3), 646.78 CHA (3), 248.845 DOB (3), 248.489 FOS (3), B ROT (3), YA 248.834 BUD (3), YA 248.833 GEO (3), 248.48 ORT (3), 306.8109 DOB (3), devotional (3), Copy 2 (3), 248.4 PIP (3), 248.8 NEW (3), Y 242 YTR (3), Youth (3), Advent (3), COPY 3 (3), Copy 1 (3), 248.32 MOO (2), 248.8421 FAR (2), 575 JOH (2), 248.843 ELD (2), 259 MAC (2), Y FIC MAS (2), copy 1 (2), Y FIC LEP (2), 241.6 DEY (2), 640 BAR (2), 248.4 CLO (2), 253 WAR (2), YA 232.9 STR (2), 248.84 MOO (2), Firstborn Series (2), 231.4 TOZ (2), Y FIC DEN (2), 248.4 MCG (2), 248.4 SMA (2), 248.842 ART (2), YA FIC CAR (2), sexual temptation (2), 248.84 SMA (2), 266 BRO (2), YA FIC MYE (2), 248.8 TRI (2), YA 248.83 LUC (2), Veritas Project (2), Diary of a Teenage Girl (2), 241.4 MOO (2), 239 MCD (2), 248.8 MAH (2), Kim (2), 270 SHE (2), 818.540 FIE (2), 248.8 PEA (2), 248 MCL (2), 248.8 HOR (2), Forbidden Doors (2), 261.1 PLA (2), 306.7083 MCD (2), 616.85 MIN (2), 269 CYM (2), B TAD (2), YA FIC MER (2), 261.832 RUS (2), 248.8 CLO (2), Parenting teens (2), 249 TRI (2), YA 306.73 HAR (2), 249 WEI (2), YA 248.4 NEI (2), YA 220 ZON (2), 220.061 MCD (2), youth fiction (2), Dating (2), 306.81 HAR (2), 248.4 STA (2), 252.3 HUT (2), Left Behind #8 (1), YA 239.21 STR (1), Veritas Project Book 2 (1), YA 220 SAN (1), Veritas Project Book 1 (1), YA 232 ROS (1), 232.9 MOO (1), Forbidden Doors #4 (1), 286.1 MOO (1), 340 GEI (1), 613.2 SNE (1), 613.25 LEW (1), 613.2521 (1), 616.8526 FIT (1), 646.78 HAN (1), 248.843 MOO (1), Forbidden Doors #3 (1), 232 MOO (1), B973.931 BEA (1), B HUS (1), B OMA (1), Kim #3 (1), Kim #4 (1), YA FIC MCD (1), YA 241.66 ART (1), Y 236.24 ALC (1), YA 242.62 LIT (1), Y FIC PYL (1), 248.8 KEL (1), Y FIC LIC (1), Y FIC MCC (1), Y FIC MYE (1), Y FIC MOO (1), Y FIC 0AR (1), Y FIC 0RA (1), 242.3 FIT (1), 227 FIT (1), Illustrated by Richard Dobbs (1), Y FIC SCO (1), Y FIC TUC includes CD (1), Y FIC VIS (1), 213 MOR (1), 234.8 DEM (1), 241 ELI (1), 306.81 DOB (1), 241.63 HOU (1), 239 CRA (1), Y FIC HUT9780802470065 50499 (1), Y FIC KIR (1), YA 242.62 WIL (1), Y 242.62 WIL (1), YA 248 WOO (1), YA 248.4 LAU (1), YA 248.83 WIL (1), 226.8 KEL (1), Left Behind book 12 (1), Y 266.002 JOH (1), YA 259 LUC (1), 230 RYR (1), 242.645 MAC (1), Y 248.82 ALC (1), Y FIC KEN (1), 332 RAM (1), Y 242.62 GEO (1), Y 248.8 OMA (1), Y 332.024 BUR (1), Y FIC CAN (1), Y FIC UPD (1), Y FIC DON (1), Y FIC HIL (1), 567.9 WOE (1), 220.9 NEL (1), 248.844 STA (1), 649.1 MCD (1), 248.4 BAX (1), 248.8 SCH (1), 248.8 SCO (1), 933 JOS (1), 248.31 BRI (1), 248.320 CHR (1), 248.32 BUN (1), 248.32 HUN (1), 248.32 LAW (1), 248.32 HYB (1), 248.4 COO (1), 248.4 ART9781578566822 (1), 248.4 CHR (1), 649.1 DOB (1), 248.4 DEI (1), 248.4 DIL (1), 248.4 EDW (1), 248.4 FRI (1), 248.4 JON (1), 248.4 PIE (1), 248.4 PAX (1), 248.4 MEI (1), 248.4 MEB (1), 248.4 WEL (1), 248.43 FIT (1), 248.4 THO (1), 248.3 MOO (1), 248.422 ART (1), Dinosaurs (1), women (1), dating (1), Bible (1), spiritual growth (1), pornography (1), 616.8 (1), purity (1), copy 2 (1), Audio Book (1), Marriage (1), Family (1), Creation (1), 332.024 HUN (1), Book 3 (1), Devotions (1), Book 2 (1), B BUS (1), 248.4 MAC (1), 241 BRI (1), 248.4 PET (1), 248.4 DOB (1), 231.8 DOB (1), 332.024 BLU (1), 248.5 BRI (1), 248.843 BRE (1), 248.421 SWI (1), 248.46 THO (1), 252 TOZ (1), 248.86 GRO (1), 248.844 RAI (1), Book 1 (1), 248.845 CHA (1), 248.845 LEW (1), 248.845 MAC (1), 248.845 TRE (1), 248.845 VEE (1), 248.845 WHI (1), 248.86 CRA (1), 248.86 CYM (1), 248.86 FAR (1), 248.86 SIT (1), 248.844 CRA (1), 248.86 SWI (1), 248.866 BIE (1), 248.866 HSU (1), 248.88 CAR (1), 248.88 YOR (1), 249 DER (1), 249 GAI (1), 249 GAR (1), 249 SCH (1), 249 WIL (1), 249 WOO (1), 251.21 ROB (1), 248.844 MAC (1), 248.8435 LAH (1), 248.48 BUB (1), 248.842 GET (1), 248.643 CLA (1), 248.5 LIT (1), 248.8 JON (1), 248.8 SIL (1), 248.8 WEB (1), 248.83 MUL (1), 248.84 DOB (1), 248.84 FAR (1), 248.84 RAI (1), 248.84 ART (1), 248.842 COL (1), 248.842 DOB (1), 248.843 WAL (1), 248.842 OMA (1), 248.843 CLA (1), 248.83 BOS (1), 248.843 DIL (1), 248.843 GEO (1), 248.843 KEN (1), 248.8425 OMA (1), 248.843 FIT (1), 248.843 LIN (1), 248.843 MIL (1), 248.843 OMA (1), 248.843 LAH (1), 236 HIT (1)
Nuage des mots-clés, Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
Nov 9, 2009
Nom réel
Triangle Community Church Library
A propos de ma bibliothèque
Winston “Buddy” Walters was co-founding pastor of Triangle Community Church. Buddy attended college in Mississippi on a full football scholarship, graduating in 1980 with a degree in Business Administration. After working for nearly a decade in the business world in Houston, Texas, Buddy sensed God leading him to Dallas Theological Seminary, where he earned a Masters in Theology and met his future ministry partner, Doug Humphrey. Together the two pastors launched Triangle Community Church, laboring together for the next ten years to build a community of growing believers. Buddy, a man of prayer and compassion, was best known for his vibrant leadership of the worship team.

On September 11, 2003, Buddy unexpectedly went home to be with the Lord. Before his death, Buddy had been pursuing his other passion, theology, by formulating plans for a library of quality books accessible to the TCC family. The Buddy Walters Memorial Library is now located in Room 202.

Buddy is survived by his wife, Debbie and two sons, Winston and Andrew.
Lieu (géographique)
Apex, NC
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