
LL (36), poetry (18), humor (17), love (11), friendship (11), multiple narrators (10), formative (10), women (10), nonconformity (10), books (8), adventure (8), family (8), Amherst connection (8), reference (8), lesbians (8), poets (7), coincidence (7), incontrovertibly brilliant (7), philosophy (7), meaning of life (7), religion (6), historical fiction (6), language (6), literary nonfiction (5), England (5), mental illness (5), makes me laugh out loud every time (5), pomo alert (5), librarians (4), heartbreak (4), words (4), memory (4), politics (4), CURRENTLY LENT (4), writing (4), Elizabeth Bishop (4), contains a character with frightening resemblance to me (4), mythology (3), children (3), contains a character I wanted to be (3), war (3), Chicago (3), art (3), currently reading (2), travel (2), book length poems (2), syllabic verse (2), etiquette (2), biography (2), personal bibles (2), Victorian (2), meditation (2), transcendentalism (2), Midwest (2), Jane Austen (2), for school (2), contains a character I had a crush on (2), childhood (2), unintentionally humorous (2), cancer (2), signed by author (2), Kate Winslet (1), childhood favorite (1), World War Two (1), Canada (1), Virginia Woolf (1), unicorns (1), magicians (1), Salome (1), math (1), entomology (1), King Arthur (1), dystopia (1), Indiana (1), hitchhiking (1), comics (1), food (1), pirates (1), ballet (1), grammar (1), San Francisco (1), evil carnivals (1), sentient objects (1), jazz (1), history (1), Ouija boards (1), Newberry Library (1)
Nuage des mots-clés, Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
Nov 29, 2006
Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque
This is based on what I have here in Boston, and what I could remember I have at my mom's house, and the ISBNs I scribbled down at Christmas. Poetry is disproportionately represented in number of volumes, but not in my unceasing love for those volumes.
A propos de moi
I'm a junior librarian right now, but soon I'll get my wings. (They come with the glasses and the subtly repressed passion.)
Lieu (géographique)
En cours de lecture

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