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Inscrit depuis
Sep 19, 2013
Nom réel
L. R. W. Lee
A propos de ma bibliothèque
I read the same types of books that I write.
A propos de moi
Since the age of eight, L. R. W. Lee wanted to write a children’s book, but felt she did not have anything significant to share; she sought to change lives while entertaining. A degree in Accounting did not provide riveting fodder for a best seller, so she waited. Over a decade, she founded and grew a company, during which, she worked closely with a mentor from whom she learned uncommon thinking that changed her life. After selling her business in early 2012, she had time to write and, more importantly, something significant to share.

L. R. W. Lee lives in scenic Austin, TX with her husband, daughter and son.
Lieu (géographique)
Austin, TX
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