A propos de ma bibliothèque
Back in 2007, I started tracking all the novels I read each year in a handy dandy manilla folder. I don't know why. Maybe I was hoping to earn my reading badge in Nerd Scouts. At any rate, this little project morphed into blog posts about my reading adventures, which led me to review books at Debuts and Reviews. Though I'm not officially reviewing books anymore, I still wanted an online record of what I've read. Again, I don't know why. It's a nerd thing.

Until recently, my LT was a haphazard collection of fiction and nonfiction, childhood favorites, research material, and other randomness. I decided this was pointless and confusing. Now my LT contains only novels I've read since 2007 and a few pre-2007 favorites.
A propos de moi
I am 447 years old, but for the first 419, I was invisible. I am a ninja. I hold a degree--about 98.6 degrees F, as long as I don't have a fever. In other dimensions, I am known for my sophistication, beauty, and charm, but for some reason, these qualities vanish in the veil between other worlds and our own. In this world, I am celebrated for my efforts to stop animal testing, because they're stupid and give all the wrong answers. I have a photograph memory, but it doesn't have any film.
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