
LGBT (5), fantasy (4), mystery (3), SF (1)
Inscrit depuis
May 11, 2011
A propos de moi
I live in Minnesota (where the two seasons are snow removal and road-repair, and the mosquito is the state bird, and where sometimes in winter it is so beautiful you can't breathe for gazing at it). I have been writing for longer than I care to admit, and currently am focused on writing m/m romance. I have an interview on the BookWenches site 07/11/11 that is more biographical, for those who are interested. ( )

My first professionally published book, Life Lessons, came out from MLR Press in May 2011. This was the first thing I had submitted anywhere and I was thrilled when it was accepted. There is a free short sequel, And to All a Good Night, available here, on my website and on Smashwords. The sequel novel, titled Breaking Cover, should be out from MLR by early August 2011.

My recent free Smashwords book, Lies and Consequences, began as a reaction to the November 2010 election. It looked like the repeal of DADT might be derailed by the political shift and I put the insanity of that law into the book. Then as I was finishing the first draft in mid-December the repeal passed. Which was great, but prompted a rewrite to a lighter and more action/romance book. I decided to put it out as a free read for fun. And then there are a lot more manuscripts on my hard drive, that I hope to go on to publish.

So read, comment, tell me what you like and what you don't, and help me make the upcoming books even better. I have a blog here on Goodreads, and a website with Wordpress, ( ) if you are interested in the ramblings of a new author.
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