Nom réel
Kirsty Fox
A propos de ma bibliothèque
My to-read pile is probably heavier than my already-read pile. I'm a procrastinating reader. That's a fancy word for slow. I'm also overly ambitious & think nothing of trying to tackle a Gunter Grass or Thomas Pynchon shaped doorstop, even though I'm busy & stressed & would be better off with some 'light reading'. My favourite author is Richard Farina, aside from the above two I also like Jorge Luis Borges (all art grads do), Jack London, Daphne du Maurier, Maggie Gee, Herman Hesse, Philip K Dick, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Alejo Carpentier.
A propos de moi
I'm an author, publisher & reader. I also like art, cinema, music, rum, proper beer & Yorkshire tea.
Lieu (géographique)
Nottingham, UK
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