
good book (7), fantasy (7), Realistic fiction (5), Traditional Literature (4), Informational Text (3), uses imagination (3), good story (3), good read (3), not my favorite (2), reference material (2), history book (2), illustrated well (2), Informational text (2), poetry (2), tells a unique story (1), great for teaching harder topics (1), good theme (1), sneaks learning into a fun story (1), cool setting (1), age appropriate for middle aged students (1), Interesting story line (1), would be a great way to introduce rhyming (1), funny way to display poetry to children (1), great read for children (1), shows countries in a fun way (1), helps kids learn (1), kept me engaged (1), theme is carried throughout (1), Fantasy (1), teaches children about birds (1), the setting is sweet (1), teaches about important things (1), uses good photos (1), keeps on theme (1), helps readers learn (1), keeps theme (1), uses good illustrations (1), keeps a theme (1), uses a theme (1), perfect for broadening a readers mind (1), fun theme (1), keeps reader engaged during story (1), keeps reader using imagination (1), helps reader imagine what is happening (1), keeps reader interested (1), uses good story line (1), illustrations were unique (1), simple yet profound book (1), pictures are engaging (1), told the story of unlikely people (1), diverse (1), Poetry (1), loved this book (1), rhymed (1), good illustrations (1), tells a story (1), good story line (1), great pictures (1), informational text (1), good pictures (1), cool pictures (1), beautiful illustrations (1), great illustrations (1), engaging (1), Realistic Fiction (1), funny book (1), interesting setting (1), helped paint a picture of colonial life (1), tells something mysterious (1), made learning interesting (1), conveyed the information in a different way (1), had great pictures (1), made learning fun (1), helps small kids learn (1), teaches kids about animals (1), on an adventure (1), different story line (1), characters are well written (1), story gets a little wild (1), illustrated beautifully (1), interests many age groups (1), tells a story while being fun (1), engaging book (1), challenges readers (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Jun 5, 2022