A propos de ma bibliothèque
Generally of a Fantasy persuasion, with Historical Fiction & Crime featuring often. Fantasy was the genre that got me hooked & ignited my passion for readng, & will always be my favourite genre as a result. I suppose it's my way of saying thank you, & showing my loyalty. Although as my reading style and preferences develop, I find I read most things from any genre that people recommend of suggest! So please feel free to recommend your favourites and I'll add them to my ever growing "to read" list !!
A propos de moi
Reading was never important to me until a friend recommended a selection of books for the commute to work to pass the time. The first was A Game of Thrones by George R R Martin, followed by The Winter King by Bernard Cornwell. That was that. Things I previously thought were important took a backseat to books, and still do. I find myself getting stupidly excited by books, both old and new. I love a new book, being the first to open it but at the same time, I love a good used second hand book, knowing many others have enjoyed and taken pleasure in the same pages you are about to discover, yet some would have hated it too. A problem of mine is I read too quickly when I get into a book. Often so engrossed and in desperate need to know what happens next and where it is going, that I find myself almost skim reading, and having to talk to myself to slow down, take it in, appreciate it, and go back on pages I know I might have missed something important. Too eager to finish and start another as I know there are too many books waiting to be read. As you can tell, I'm a bit of a geek too !
Lieu (géographique)
Benfleet, Essex, England
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