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Inscrit depuis
Apr 24, 2010
Nom réel
Ian Marshall
A propos de ma bibliothèque
I have more books than I have room for, and have recently been reading a lot of Ebooks using the Stanza application for the iPhone. Its a great way to read on tube trains but I miss the feel of paper and the fact that a REAL book is an object to keep and treasure! However when I moved last year the hardest thing to organise was the boxes and boxes of books as my partner shares my love o fthe written word and has an equally large collection!
A propos de moi
I have always loved reading books. I think it started with my older sister teaching me to read before I even went to school (She is now a teacher so i think I was her first student)
I have a huge penchant for Science Fiction books. I think one of the first Science Fiction books I loved was 'The Chrysalids' By John Wyndham, It was a gift from my mother and I was deeply affected by the authors exploration of the nature of difference and the human fear of it. I also will read almost anything recommended by friends as this is usually the only way I manage to break out of the Sci Fi mould!
Lieu (géographique)

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