
Science Fiction (862), Fantasy (608), Military (210), Non-Fiction (177), Aliens (169), urban fantasy (127), Humor (105), magic (91), Alternate History (87), Time Travel (85), science (81), Vampires (59), Short Story Collection (52), History (51), dragons (51), Mystery (50), AI (49), biology (46), Politics (46), omnibus (44), classic (42), anthology (41), Mythic (37), Discworld (36), Children's fiction (36), First Contact (35), Doctor Who (34), Space (33), Space Combat (33), Sidhe (32), Werewolves (31), fiction (30), Graphic Novel (28), Horror (27), evolution (27), intrigue (27), Magic (26), Valdemar (26), Psi (25), Superheroes (23), Urban Fantasy (21), Young Adult (20), illustrated (20), Wild Cards (19), Classic SF (19), physics (17), Anita Blake (17), unread (16), Animal Bond (16), cultural (16), Honorverse (16), Romance (15), world history (14), Near Future (14), Hard SF (14), medicine (14), Lord Peter Wimsey (14), Grantville (14), Post-Apocalyptic (14), Women of the Otherworld (14), Dragaera (13), Pulp (13), autobiography (13), Necroscope (13), Warbots (12), Dresden Files (12), Vorkosigan (12), The Endless (12), animals (12), American history (12), Reference (12), Omnibus (12), cybernetics (12), Parallel Universes (11), The Company (11), thriller (11), Historical fiction (11), cyborgs (11), Star Trek (11), essays (11), Theology (10), martial arts (10), Young Wizards (10), Foreigner (9), epic fantasy (9), Sherlock Holmes (9), Gryphons (9), Military History (9), Matador (9), Lost Regiment (9), Thriller (9), Poetry (9), Nantucket (9), paleontology (9), elves (9), World War II (9), Schlock Mercenary (8), Merry Gentry (8), astronomy (8), Arthurian (8), Mary Russell (8), ecology (8), Pern (8), Pendergast (8), Nightside (7), steampunk (7), World of the Lupi (7), Vlad Taltos (7), Sector General (7), Starbridge (7), Drama (7), textbook (7), architecture (7), Vimes (7), The Culture (7), Rome (7), Borderlands (7), Reality Dysfunction (7), Rincewind (7), cosmology (7), Bordertown (7), Shakespeare (7), Callahan's (7), Mars (7), Kushiel's Legacy (6), Colonial Defense (6), Starcruiser Shenandoah (6), Adult (6), Post-Singularity (6), Kitty Norville (6), nanotechnology (6), nature (6), Granny Weatherwax (6), nanotech (6), The Polity (6), not read (6), Parallel Worlds (6), Sparhawk (6), The Hollows (6), Uplift (6), Belisarius (6), Riftwar (6), Dragon Prince (6), Op-Center (6), Thursday Next (5), economics (5), Raj Whitehall (5), Literature (5), Death (5), Rihannsu (5), The Blending (5), Gods (5), Tales of Alvin Maker (5), Codex Alera (5), known space (5), The Dark Is Rising (5), Tiger and Del (5), Aldenata (5), Doc Savage (5), Emberverse (5), Clare Fergusson (5), Victory Nelson (5), satire (5), Elemental Masters (5), The Adept (5), The Lost Fleet (4), Rings of the Master (4), temeraire (4), Blue Moon (4), Promethean Age (4), naval (4), Prince Roger (4), angels (4), Tarma & Kethry (4), alternate universe (4), disaster (4), Time Quartet (4), Ukiah Oregon (4), The Sharing Knife (4), Four Quarters (4), Lord of the Rings (4), Queendom of Sol (4), undersea (4), Amanda Garrett (4), Kate Daniels (4), Libertarian (4), Book Of Ash (4), K-9 Corps (4), Tour of the Merrimack (4), Belgarion (4), ghosts (4), oceanography (4), Council Wars (4), Starfire (4), Marla Mason (4), ringworld (4), Mage Winds (3), Valor (3), Generation Ship (3), Mercy (3), Eddas of Burden (3), Jacob's Ladder (3), Swords & Sorcery (3), The Engineer (3), Polity (3), Espionage (3), Destroyermen (3), His Dark Materials (3), Cassandra Kresnov (3), Blackcollars (3), SERRAted Edge (3), Dream Park (3), Drake Maijistral (3), The Gandalara Cycle (3), Diana Tregarde (3), Elenium (3), Lost Swords (3), Bahzell (3), the five magics (3), Jenny Casey (3), Greg Mandel (3), prince of nothing (3), Lankhmar (3), Merchant Princes (3), Johnny Maxwell (3), Darian's Tale (3), Black Jewels (3), Tamuli (3), Mage Storms (3), Chalion (3), Star of the Guardians (3), Last Herald-Mage (3), zodiac (3), starships (3), Dragonriders of Pern (3), solar system (3), astrology (3), geology (3), terraforming (3), environment (3), cloning (3), genetic engineering (3), robots (3), biography (3), Dahakverse (3), Urban Shaman (3), Tale of the Five (3), Cross-Time Engineer (3), Tiffany Aching (3), Mage Wars (3), Pegasus (3), Magic Kingdom of Landover (3), Harper Hall Trilogy (3), Viscount of Adrilankha (3), The Golden Age (3), Starsea Invaders (3), Axis of Time (3), Dragonbards (3), Harbinger (3), Mag Force 7 (3), Timeline Wars (3), Acts of Caine (3), Science at the Capitol (3), Cal Leandros (3), G.O.D. Inc (3), Arrows of the Queen (3), Chaos Trilogy (3), Time Patrol (3), Quintara Marathon (3), demons (2), Cadfael (2), Crime (2), medical (2), Bookworld (2), dinosaurs (2), Cat Wizards (2), Bolos (2), Moties (2), witches (2), stasis (2), Song of Power (2), Hannibal Lector (2), Phoenix Guards (2), Eschaton (2), chemistry (2), Star Trek: The Next Generation (2), Xeelee Saga (2), Ender (2), philosophy (2), bible (2), Belgariad (2), Messiah Stone (2), Spiderman (2), natural history (2), Hell's Gate (2), Spanish (2), The Hunted Earth (2), Exile (2), Black Dragon (2), Malloreon (2)
Nuage des mots-clés, Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
Jan 23, 2006
Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque
It's been a joy to uncrate everything, fill in the gaps and catalog it all here on this site. The collection is predominantly SF and Fantasy, with military SF and urban fantasy making of a substatial portion of that. The non-fiction is virtually all science or history related. I've also got one shelf of pure mystery. Any mundane mystery that can command the attention of someone devoted to SF&F is very good indeed.
A propos de moi
General Science major on hiatus, middling musical theater actor, SF-buff, baritone...

...oh yeah, and a major bibliophile.
Lieu (géographique)
Eugene, OR
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