Nom réel
Erika S. Avery
A propos de moi
Atlantis 2013: The Chosen is an exciting new novel written by Orlando artist and
cosmetologist Erika S. Avery. The book was recently published by Outskirts Press
and can be viewed/purchased on Amazon Books and Barnes and Noble online book stores.
The story begins in early 2013 when new evidence has been discovered which proves the original prediction for the end of the Mayan calendar was misinterpreted by one year. When devastating natural disasters begin to occur worldwide and strange lights are seen in the sky, it seems the end really has begun this time. Or is it the opportunity for a new beginning?
Certain individuals, the "Chosen Ones," begin to have paranormal experiences they don't understand, but help them in their race against time to overcome impossible odds and lead them to safety. As the "Chosen Ones" rush to to escape impending doom, the world explodes around them. Will they make it in time?
Lieu (géographique)
Orlando Fl
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