
Nuage des mots-clés, Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
Feb 25, 2013
Nom réel
Liz Drysdale
A propos de ma bibliothèque
These are my books. How would one classify them?
Maybe romance, hot, sexy, supernatural, with strong female characters and hot heroes, in plots where contemporary meets paranormal, where anything goes!
A propos de moi
I discovered I was addicted to the paranormal when I was quite young - I blame it on the super heroes. Damn you, Wonder Woman! That passion led me to a number of amateur theater productions in my home town, then ultimately to a bachelor’s degree in Performing Arts.
It wasn't very cool to spend five years working my ass off for no money. But, I have to say, it was then that I made my first attempts into the literary world. The first ones were writing children’s plays for my family’s language school. After a couple of blunders, I decided to translate Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream into a dancing and kicking play. It was so much fun that after that, let’s just say that I caught the bug.
But it was really my mother who brought me into writing. I call her “my catalyst” – she’s always been the one who I went to for advice on my acting career, my travel adventures, my love life… And she was always the one to say, “Go for it!”
So, I did. I traveled around the world, lived in several different continents, met several great people and had not-so-great lovers. In one of my “go for it” adventures, I met my husband. And then my life really changed. I’m not saying that my marriage is perfect. No, I wouldn’t lie to you like that, now, would I?
In the beginning it was fantastic. We were in love and living together after two weeks into our relationship. But as we all know - passion has a very bright but short blaze. After a few years, I found myself still loving him, but not wanting him as much as I used to. Around that time I started devouring at least two erotica romances per month. And, what do you know - my marriage went back in full swing again. Of course that I was fantasizing about the vampires and werewolves I read in the books, but did it really matter? What’s the difference between doing that and buying naughty-nun-and-priest outfits? It’s all about using your imagination to bring the spark back to your love life, isn’t it?
A few months later, I started a project with my mom – did I mention she’s a fantastic writer? Yep, she is, but life wasn’t very kind to her, and after a handful of really nice books, she threw in the towel. So I made a commitment to myself to get her to write again. While working with her, I came across a few literary agents that were actively looking for new paranormal romances. But when I suggested it to my mother, she came back with – “Why don’t you write it?”
That made me stop and I asked myself, “Yeah, why don’t I write it?”
It wasn’t easy but after years traveling around the world, translating other people’s work and devouring paranormal romances, I finally took the courage to put my passion into words and start my first novel, Dragon Heat – Book One. In less than two days I finished the full synopsis of Book One and the first thoughts for two and three.
After Dragon Heat was launched, I spent 18 months developing a new series, Manataka, inspired by one of my favorite characters I created in Dragon Heat but unfortunately could not give him the attention he deserved.
I hope you enjoy my library and that my books inspires you to get out there and dare, the same way the novels I read inspired me.

Lieu (géographique)
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