
Inscrit depuis
Jan 5, 2014
Nom réel
Annette Vaillancourt, Ph.D.
A propos de moi
Elite SoulMate Coach and Transformational Author

Annette Vaillancourt, Ph.D., has one enviable superpower: She is a master manifestor. Her passion is pushing the envelope of consciousness beyond the limits of ego. To do so, she is committed to “practical mysticism” – attending to and enacting the messages from Spirit in everyday life.

A social introvert and recovering shy person, Annette has accomplished every goal she set for herself, including:
• Manifesting $70,000 in unexpected money
• A 70-pound weight loss
• A Brown Belt in Shotokan karate
• Doubling her income during the recent recession
• Curing herself of plantar fasciitis
• Selling two homes herself to the first buyer who walked in the door

It makes sense then, that she would share her love of manifesting to help others accomplish similar goals using the secrets she has learned.

After 24+ years as a couple’s counselor, she turned her attention from trying to resurrect broken marriages to helping spiritually minded singles manifest their SoulMates. Her work is inspired by the poet Rumi’s line: “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” She blames Kenny Loggins for sparking her interest in transformative love and conscious relationship as a spiritual path.

Her clients are spiritual singles and cultural creatives who are drawn to personal growth and spiritual practices and want to use their relationships to evolve, serve, and manifest more love in the world.

Annette holds a Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Southern Illinois University, an M.A. in counseling psychology from Ball State University and a B.S. in psychology from Central Michigan University. She has presented at over 300 workshops to groups ranging from local school teachers to Fortune 500 companies. She wrote a monthly newspaper column for five years, hosted a bi-monthly Blog Talk Radio show, and organized St. Louis Spiritual Singles and St. Louis Holistic Share MeetUp groups.

Annette currently lives and loves abundantly in the St. Louis metro area. She enjoys playing the fiddle/violin, dancing, occasional modeling and has earned a Brown Belt in Shotokan karate.
Lieu (géographique)
Saint Louis, MO
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