A propos de ma bibliothèque
I have a ton of books on a vast variety of subjects. However, I'm using my LibraryThing account to contain my books related mostly to Eastern Orthodox Christianity and iconography.
A propos de moi
Donna Perpetua is an Orthodox Christian writer who lives in Michigan with her husband and her mom, who recently joined them. She edited and wrote the introduction and supplementary materials for the first volume of the series Ancient Examples: Writings of the Early Christians for Today, St. Justin Martyr and St. Perpetua.

Donna Perpetua enjoys making pilgrimages to Orthodox monasteries in America. She is a frequent pilgrim to The Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration in Ellwood, Pennsylvania. She was pleased to discover an icon of her name Saint at the Holy Dormition of the Mother of God Orthodox Monastery in Rives Junction, Michigan. She recently began studying and learning how to write icons, completing her first icon in August (depicting the Seraph who touched the Prophet Isaiah's lips with the coal from the altar; see Isaiah 6).
Lieu (géographique)
SE Michigan, USA
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