
This is a great multicultural book! (2), This book was emotionally deep. It showed the true impact that a teacher can make on a student and it gave a great lesson on not to bully. (1), This book shows that you can be friends with anybody no matter how different they may be than you. (1), This book explains that no matter where you are or where you move (1), This book teaches children the importance of kindness. (1), This book lets children know that they are important and they have a purpose in this world. (1), This book has beautiful illustrations and can give children inspiration on where they want to go. (1), This book shows that it is alright to be friends with people who are different than you. (1), This book shows the importance of eating a colorful plate and gives examples of foods you can eat. (1), This book gives children examples on what not to do at home. (1), This book is great to build self confidence in young children. (1), This book is great to teach children about different holidays and seasons. (1), This book is about how children should not judge one another. (1), This book is about how moods are contagious and how if you are in a bad mood it will most likely rub off on someone else. (1), This book is about siblings finding resolutions to their problems. (1), This book teaches children on the importance of not spreading and believing rumors. (1), This book teaches great lessons on jealousy. (1), This book teaches children that life is not always fair and equal. (1), you are still under the same moon of people who may not be close to you anymore. (1), This book shows the abundance of a parent/guardians love for their children. (1), This book is great for imagination and jealousy. It teaches siblings not to be jealous of one another. (1), but it gives a good lesson on to always clean out your pockets. (1), This is a great picture book for children. (1), This is a story that can help teach children about emotions and how they can handle and deal with them. (1), This is a great multicultural book that sets a great example of a person who is inclusive to all people. (1), This book is inspiring and shows children to dream big and shoot for the stars with their goals. (1), This book gives a great lesson over sharing things and not being selfish. (1), This book gives a great lesson on to never leave people out based on their differences. It is good to always be inclusive. (1), This is a feel good book about how many possibilities of things you can grow up to be someday. (1), This is a spin off of the original Corduroy book (1), This book shows the unconditional and the abundance of a parent/guardians love for their children. (1), This is a great book about the importance of friendship and love. (1), it will make your classroom laugh out loud. (1), This is a silly book about donkey jokes (1), This is a feel good follow up book of the Wonky Donky. It is great for read alouds and laugh out louds. (1), This is a multicultural book about traveling around the world and how it is ok for people to be different than you. (1), This book is about how many doors literacy can open for you. It is so important that children learn how to read and know how special that they are to get the opportunity to learn. (1), This book shows that being yourself is so important and is nothing to be embarrassed about. (1), This book is great for children who are critical on themselves. It shows them that it is ok to mess up and that great things can still be made from tiny mistakes. (1), This book teacher children that life is not always fair and equal. (1), This is a great book over self confidence. (1), This book was amazing. I really like how at the end it told the reader what each student from "the junkyard" was doing. All of Patricia Polacco's books are emotional and show great lessons to the reader. This is also a good book that gives lessons about b (1), it makes it very fun. (1), This is a fun circle book (1), This is a great book to introduce cause and effect with. (1), This book is great to teach cause and effect with. (1), This is a circle book and children can learn the concepts of war and peace. (1), This would be a great book to read to a child about to go to sleep. (1), This would be a great book to read at Christmas to work on ABCs and have fun with the pop-up pictures. (1), This was a creative ABC book that also tapped into predicting the next page. (1), This is a great book for counting (1), This is a circle book and children can create their own fortunately book themselves. (1), This book can help children with strategies on how to spend and save money. (1), This is a great book to read to children at nap time. (1), This is a great circle book about a journey of a bear. (1), Book that helps children be creative. (1), Encouraging and motivational book for young children. (1), This book is very predictable and set up a clear pictures of the spider being busy spinning her web. (1), This book can help children with rhyming and counting. It is a great read and a classic. (1), you can create your own important book with your class. (1), This is a great multicultural book to read to your classroom. (1), This is a great book that the students can relate to. (1), Great use of personification and verbs. (1), This is a sweet story for students to relate to! (1), This is a great book to read about doing business with others. (1), This is a great book to read at Halloween! (1), This was a great book to read to a class who has experiences with being a cowboy. (1), Great book for personification. (1), Great multicultural book with good illustrations (1), Links to divorce and how to cope with the best of both worlds. (1), Rhyming book with great illustrations. (1), This is a great folktale for children. It is also historical! (1), Easy read with great illustrations. (1), you always matter and you can be successful. (1), This book tells the reader that no matter what age you are or your size (1), This is a silly fiction children’s book about unrealistic things. (1), This is a sweet book about a family going to adopt a dog. (1), This is about two small girls who did not see color. It is a great multicultural book to read. (1), This is a great multicultural book to read to your classroom. It also gives kids motivation to treat everyone with respect. (1), This is a great mysterious book that children can examine the illustrations throughout it. (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Aug 29, 2019