
nonfiction (179), fiction (129), culture (119), history (89), child-parent relations (72), sociology (64), social psychology (56), behaviors (54), betrayal (51), lawbreakers (50), social institutions (50), coming of age (46), lifestyle (45), psychology (43), beliefs (41), abuse (40), social reform (39), criminal investigations (37), relationships (35), fear (34), studies (30), business (30), political reform (30), political motivations (29), economics (29), corporate culture (29), revenge (27), sexuality (26), murder (25), consumerism (24), regret (24), addiction (24), government (24), sadness (23), murder mystery (23), communities (22), siblings (22), religion (21), marriage (21), laws (21), science (21), emotion (20), getaway (20), romance (20), racism (19), persecution (19), future (18), poverty (16), eating (16), celebrities (16), biography (16), grief (16), politicians (15), war (15), food (15), escapism (14), New York City (14), information (14), risk (14), depressive disorder (13), civil rights (13), death (13), hometown return (13), conservativism (12), capitalism (12), rape (12), employment (12), conformity (12), friendship (12), education (12), runaways (12), domesticity (12), liberalism (11), interpretation (11), disease (11), isolation (10), ecology (10), art (10), corruption (10), happiness (10), lying (10), abandonment (10), suspense (10), gender (10), blame (10), technology (10), food industry (9), evolution (9), anthropology (9), delusions (8), slavery (8), individuality (8), high society (8), industrialization (8), democracy (8), ethics (8), satire (8), pedophilia (7), immigration (7), magic (7), obesity (7), otherworld (7), illegal drugs (7), generations (7), aging (7), Detroit (7), abduction (7), black market (7), advertising (6), sustainability (6), bible (6), language (6), noir (6), mass murder (6), African Americans (6), dogs (6), neuroscience (6), pets (6), undercover writing (6), republicans (6), cults (6), United States (6), libraries (6), England (6), uprisings (5), obsessive compulsive disorder (5), institutionalization (5), multiculturalism (5), incarceration (5), comedy (5), democrats (5), newspapers (5), intellectualism (5), city planning (5), mafia (5), humor (5), drinking (5), mental illness (5), censorship (5), feminism (5), farmers (5), terrorism (5), serial killers (5), integration (5), short stories (5), rural (4), obsolescence (4), debt (4), suicide (4), organizing (4), nutrition (4), fraud (4), Texas (4), Christianity (4), writing (4), psychiatry (4), relations (4), memory (4), suburbia (4), birds (4), White Americans (4), military (4), inheritance (4), driving (4), journalism (4), dwellings (4), white collar (4), underground economy (4), illegal labor (3), narcissism (3), divorce (3), organized crime (3), urban resurgence (3), civilization (3), labor unions (3), usury (3), child-parent (3), carbohydrates (3), bread (3), urban decay (3), bank heist (3), international relations (3), prostitution (3), leadership (3), epidemics (3), activism (3), Spokane (3), Islam (3), publishing (3), segregation (3), knowledge (3), fire (3), Native Americans (3), globalization (3), animal welfare (3), cooking (3), computers (2), obscenity (2), science fiction (2), Australia (2), mathematics (2), prohibition (2), polygamy (2), motherhood (2), innovation (2), extinction (2), management (2), Boston (2), gigolo (2), mystery (2), dating (2), college (2), time travel (2), time (2), France (2), architecture (2), automobiles (2), financial crisis (2), grocers (2), dystopia (2), Chicago (2), mythology (2), theory (2), natural history (2), music (2), sales (2), institutions (2), Idaho (2), Old West (2), end of the world (2), credit (2), appearance (2), age (2), physiology (2), cosmetic surgery (2), circus (2), coming (2), Hungary (2), Los Angeles (2), of (2), herbal medicine (2), hippies (2), gambling (2), social (2), foster care (2), acting (2), elections (2), blue collar (2), Latinos (1), Seattle (1), India (1), libertarianism (1), Phoebe Robinson (1), fantasy (1), African (1), City (1), New (1), George W. Bush (1), Rachel Dratch (1), York (1), Hell (1), electrocution (1), criminal (1), Joan Rivers (1), collecting (1), hoax (1), organized (1), Topsy (1), mentally challenged (1), crime (1), investigations (1), Howard Stern (1), P.T. Barnum (1), reform (1), embezzlement (1), Coeur d'Alene (1), Utah (1), Sally Field (1), Thomas Edison (1), radio (1), Coney Island (1), dementia (1), international (1), Oregon (1), disabilities (1), corporate (1), illness (1), Kentucky (1), Japan (1), Americans (1), Lee Harvey Oswald (1), agoraphobia (1), Michigan (1), mental (1), Virginia (1), elephants (1), taxidermy (1), political (1), theater (1), Adam Forepaugh (1)
Nuage des mots-clés, Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
Feb 4, 2008
A propos de ma bibliothèque
Yeah, I keep a list. I have this list of books that I keep adding to but that I never can seem to finish. Part of the reason is that I can't stop picking up random books off of the shelves and reading them first. I suppose that's a danger of working in a library. Ah, serendipity. I still try to read off of the list as much as I can though.
A propos de moi
Ever since I learned how to read, I thought it was the greatest thing ever. I typically read a couple of books a month, depending on how busy my life is at the moment. Just before the 2006 new year, I decided that it was time to start reviewing the books I read. I got tired of reading a book and then not remembering what it was about two years later. I started with a print journal, then I began a blog, and now I've moved into Library Thing.
Lieu (géographique)
Spokane, WA
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