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Nuage des mots-clés, Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
Nov 16, 2006
Nom réel
Mike Buckley
A propos de ma bibliothèque
My library is extremely eclectic. While my main interests are Horror, Humor, The Paranormal, Film, Folklore, Religion, History and Archeology, I also dig into Politics, Philosophy, and World Classics. My collection’s also HUGE, and growing every day. Yeah, you could say I'm a bit obsessed with books. Then again, I am big and crazy!
A propos de moi
I am a recent college graduate from the gray and flinty Nor’east. I discovered this site by accident, and hope it will prove helpful in keeping track of the ever-expanding collection of a certified bibliomaniac. My hobbies include gaming, film, amateur archeology, and collecting weapons and relics. (Turn ons: Library book sales and girls who know who Cthulhu is. Turn offs: Smoking, Celery, and people who kick puppies :-) Also, every now and then I help an old college friend of mine "The Bog Man", critique horror films on his website, At least I think he’s a friend of mine, he sounds an awful lot like the other voices in my head, and come to think of it, I don’t think anyone else has ever seen him...

Lieu (géographique)
New Bedford, MA ; a.k.a. Hell
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