
Fantasy (13), Mystery (3), Poetry (1)
Nuage des mots-clés, Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
Apr 24, 2008
Nom réel
A propos de moi
I'm partial to several different passions, which eat up a good chunk of my time. First and foremost, my heart lies within the world of fashion design. I'm a sucker for designer clothing, handbags and accessories, I admit it! I know there are several people out there who believe that the world of fashion is simply a waste of money, but I whole heartedly disagree. To me, it's an art and just as some would pay thousands of dollars for a painting or sculpture or something of the sort.. a designed handbag is no different. After taking sewing classes and having several years of practice, I've been experimenting with the art myself and it's been dream of mine to be a designer by trade. Sewing was quick to become a favorite hobby of mine and I'm forever learning and experimenting with my machine.
I also enjoy the fine world of baking as it's been quite the remarkable talent in my family for many generations and I hope gain a bit of that expertise myself. I own stacks upon stacks of cook/baking books and simply LOVE spending an afternoon or evening with them in the kitchen. In a nut shell, sweets will be my downfall, but I do have a grand old time making them.
Then, of course, I take great pleasure in my writing. I've written everything from poetry, to short stories, even taking part in some role plays. I find that I can express myself the best through my writing and my other interests aside, this alone is where I excel.
Lieu (géographique)
Norwich, CT
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Librairies: The Book Barn, The Book Barn Downtown