
Inscrit depuis
May 25, 2012
Nom réel
Karin Cox
A propos de moi
Karin Cox is an Australian editor, poet and author and, like many women, is doing her best to be a modern Wonder Woman (minus the cape and the gold lasso). Trained as a professional editor, and with more than fifteen years in the trade publishing industry under her belt, she edits and writes in her "spare time" while being a fulltime mum to her infant daughter and to a black cat with the improbable name of "Ping Pong."

Since her first book, Roma: From Prison to Paradise, was published in 2003, Karin has written reference texts, biographies and memoirs, as well as more than 28 natural history books, Australian social history books, children's picture storybooks, and travel guides. In 2010, her books Amazing Facts about Australian Wildlife Conservation and Amazing Facts about Australia's Early Settlers were listed as notable books on the Children's Book Council of Australia 2010 Notable Books list. In 2010, Karin also won two Whitley Awards for natural history writing in the Popular Zoology and Wildlife Conservation categories. Karin has had poems and short stories published in anthologies worldwide and her ebooks — Growth, a collection of poetry, and Cage Life, two short stories — were published in 2011.
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