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Inscrit depuis
Sep 1, 2007
Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque
My friends tell me I have more books than God... lol... I have over 500 books in my 12x12 bedroom. I have 2 kittens who live with me in there and they KNOW not to get NEAR my books. My books are so very special to me.
A propos de moi
I don't know who I am, I am learning though. I think I will just write about me, you can come to your own conclusions as to who I am.

My real name is Elizabeth, online I am called Ellie and at home I am called Lizzie. I am seventeen years old and my birthday is September thirteenth. I graduated this past spring from Faith Academy with a 4.0 GPA. My favorite subjects in school were history and english. (Maybe Spanish too!) I plan to go to college in the fall and study web design. I want to be a history teacher one day though, that is my ultimate dream.

I love animals. I have worked for For Paws Sake cat shelter for about the last five years. My family is owned by cats, dogs, birds, fish, a mouse, three fancy rats, chickens, and a rescued, hand-raised cardinal named Oscar. My cats are named Hershey, Jackie, and DocAnne. (I couldn't think of a name for her when I was little so I named her after the vet who saved her life.) My pets are super important to me.

Two things I could not live with out are my books and baseball!

I treat my books with great care. Books and the knowledge gained from them are a gift from God. I have two bookshelves pack full, I could use at least one more. I can't think of a time in the last.... seven years? that haven't been reading something. I laugh and I cry as the characters do. I've learned much from my books.

Baseball..... what more can I say? I love the passion of it all. My favorite team is the Atlanta Braves (I'm watching a game now.) I like the Phillies a lot too. My favorite players are Brian McCann, Jarrod Saltalamacchia, and Tim Hudson (Cann-Cann, Salty, and Huddy) I love close games, even if we don't win. Baseball is...... I'm not sure there is a word to describe that.

Now we come to my Macbook. It is my connection to the world. I save my writings, talk to my friends, and enjoy most of my most favorite things to do- web design on it. (Why is the dog licking my foot??) My Mac is my baby, I don't like for anyone but me to touch her. Who could have thought one little machine could make a person so happy. I did save most of the money for her, the rest I got for graduation.

I love my God, He has gotten me to where I am today. I can see Him in the little things. How can you look at a baby's fingernails and not believe in Him, how can you look at a flower and not feel His love? He is the song in my heart an the One who has surrounded me with a mess of great people. God is amazing.

My friends, how could I live without them? I have so many with so many great talents. They can make me smile, give me good advice, just reach out when I need them. I am never without someone. I am always meeting new people and learning more about the world through them. I couldn't live without them. They each hold a little piece of my heart in their hand.

Who am I? That is the question I will ask all my life. I'm Jess's little sister, Jerry's student, Trevor's best friend, Old Forest's Queen Arie, Hannah and Charlie's big sister, David and Denise's daughter. I am a piece of everyone and everything, just as you are. I think I could search all my life and never find an answer to the question I long to answer. I guess I'll just go through each day, living as I have all my life- to the fullest.
Lieu (géographique)
Atlanta, GA
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