Nom réel
Amy Rogers
A propos de moi
My mind is constantly crafting stories and occasionally I actually stop procrastinating long enough to scribble some words on a page.

I want nothing more than to live off the grid in a tiny house, but I'm afraid I wouldn't have enough room for my books.

Special Interests:
Stories, above anything else.
Strong independent female characters who don't need no man.
Coffee, lots and lots of coffee, all the time. All the coffee.
Trying to figure out answers to all the unanswered questions left by J.J. Abrams on LOST.

Kittens and other small furry creatures. Also very large dogs. So, animals really.
Warm Hugs.
That feeling when you wake up in the morning and realize you don't have anywhere to be so you can just burrow under the covers where it's perfectly warm and safe and stay there.
I can't stress how much I love coffee.

When the coffee's gone. Why is the coffee gone?
Racism, sexism, ableism, classism and other isms that spread hate and ignorance and cause division.
Willful ignorance.
Having to talk on the phone or interact offline with people in general.
Facebook memes of a political nature.
Facebook memes in general.
Lieu (géographique)
Hammond, LA
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